Chapter 29

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      Emily had fallen asleep around noon, they both knew she had tossed and turned the night before so they didn't wake her. Adele took pictures as they passed landmarks and when they entered into Texas. She looked over at Mac who had been quietly driving and smiled. It was funny how quickly they had gone from complete strangers to completely in love.

      Mac glanced over as he felt her watching him. He lifted her hand to his lips and smiled. When she gave him a small smile, he said " Penny for your thoughts?" She laughed softly and shook her head before speaking. " I was just thinking about how quickly we went from strangers to this. I love you Mac. I never thought I would date anyone and in a week you have me where I can't imagine my life without you."

        He grinned and said " That's great Baby because you are my world. You know my CO mentioned to me I have a big choice to make." She looked at his serious expression and said "About what?" Mac looked over and smiled at her worried look before saying "About my career. He told me I only have 6 months on my contract. Which means when I come off leave I have to give him an answer to renew the contract or to retire."

       She looked shocked and said "But you love what you do Mac!" He smiled and said " I love you more Adele. If you are completely sure you love me and want me, I won't renew. I would rather be here with you and planning our life. I've already asked some questions about how to transfer over to law enforcement. But regardless of if I go into law enforcement, or help in the bakery, or whatever I end up doing. All that will matter is were together."

       Adele was speechless and just stared at him until he said "Adele?" She smiled and said " Of course I love you and want you Mac. I just can't believe it! I can't say it didn't worry me about you leaving and something happening to you. But I only want you to retire if you are 100 % sure it's what you want."

       He pulled her closer for a sweet kiss and said "I am absolutely 110 % sure next to you is where I want to be. I don't know if I could have deployed again knowing you would be here." She laid her head on Mac's shoulder and held his hand as they drove through the outskirts of Dallas. Emily started to stir and yawned, she said " Oh were in Dallas! How long was I asleep?" Adele laughed and said "A few hours Momma. We're making good time. Mac thinks we will be at the ranch in a little over an hour."

       Emily smiled and said " I just love Texas. So where are we going first?" Mac laughed and said "Well since it's already after 4 I figured we would go check out the ranch and then explore tomorrow!" Adele said "That sounds wonderful Mac. I'm excited to see this ranch, it looks beautiful from the site."

        Just over an hour later they drove under an arched gate that read Roselynn Ranch. They drove down the tree lined driveway until they got their first glimps of the beautiful sprawling ranch before them.

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