Chapter 39

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        They spent an hour going over details with Dixie, making choices for food, cake, colors, and music. Dixie smiled, saying "I will have the bakery deliver samples of the cake here tomorrow for a tasting. How would the same time work for you?" After they agreed and thanked her, they made their way back towards their cabin. He said "Penny for your thoughts?" She sighed and stopped walking, saying "Why would Rich's father make a reservation? He doesn't even know me, and I have nothing to say to him. I don't want mom upset by his presence either. Do you really think Rich went and told him, knowing how I felt?"

       Mac hugged her close, after a moment, he said "I think we should call Rich, but I don't think he would have told your father. He's still angry with Jakob." Mac started walking again, leading her over to the bench buy the pond. He took out his cell phone, dialed Rich and put it on speaker phone. When Rich answered, saying "What's up? How are those wedding plans coming?" Mac told him about meeting with Dixie, and the choices they had made, then said "So one thing we wanted to ask you about, when we were talking with Dixie, she mentioned they had several reservations with notations they were for the wedding. One of those were in your father's name."

       Rich sighed, saying "How upset was Adele?" Adele said "Pretty upset, did you tell him Richie?" Rich said "No! I did not tell him anything. Mom knows I found you, she wanted to send you two a wedding gift. Let me call over there and see what is going on. I will call you back shortly. I promise Addie, I did not tell him about you or the wedding." They said their goodbyes and hung up the phone waiting on a return call. Mac slid his arm around her shoulders, and she snuggled up against him, laying her head on his shoulder. They say there in silence, enjoying the view for a while longer."

       Mac kissed the top of her head, breaking the silence by saying, "You know Baby, regardless of what Rich finds out, I won't let him ruin our wedding. There will be several of my team here it seems, they will keep him out. We can even hire security if we need to." She smiled up at him, saying "I know Mac. I just want everything to go smoothly and mom to relax. The last thing we need is for him to upset her, i'm already worried about her health. She seems to be declining faster than we thought, she's trying to hide it, but i've noticed the signs." Mac squeezed her closer, before saying, "I have noticed too Baby. I think she just doesn't want to worry us, so she's trying to keep it quiet."

          As they were sitting there, discussing Emily's health, Mac's phone rang. He looked down, noticed it was Rich, answering it quickly, he said, "What's the word?" Rich laughed, he said "It's not what you think. Jakob knows nothing about the wedding. Mom said, there was no way one of her boys were getting married without her being there. She also mentioned boxing your ears for not telling her yourself." Adele laughed, the said "Then why did she put plus 1 on the reservation." Rich shook his head before answering, "She can't travel all that way alone. She's bringing her best friend with her. Plus, she told Dad it was a girls trip to a dude ranch. He won't argue or try to join her that way, she didn't want to upset Adele with him showing up."

        Mac laughed, saying, "So how long is she staying? She hasn't boxed my ears since the last time I came back injured." Rich said "She said the weekend but you know Mom, if she likes it she may stay longer. Her and Dad are still arguing quite a bit, so she will probably stay longer anyway. I did ask why she put the reservation is his name, she said she put the entire trip on his credit card so it had to be in his name." They spoke for a few more minutes, before Adele said "Rich, please let your mother know she's certainly welcome at our wedding." After they exchanged a few more words, they ended the call. Adele looked into Mac's eyes, kissing him softly, she said "I think I might like his mom, she obviously cares about you and your team."

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