Chapter 18

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              Mac was jotting down the different options for hotel prices and looked up to see Adele with chocolate on her cheek and nose, flour all over her apron, and icing on her arms. He quietly took out his phone and snapped a couple pictures. She looked up as he was taking them and said "You better delete those Mister." He laughed and said "No way. You look beautiful and happy. I'm keeping them, my beautiful girlfriend doing what she loves most." She shook her head and said "I'm a mess Mac." He walked across the kitchen and pulled her around towards him. He wiped the chocolate off her nose and kissed her deeply. He said "You are absolutely the most beautiful woman to me. You are smart and funny and sweet. You could be covered from head to toe in mud and feathers and you would still be the most beautiful woman. Do you hear me?" 

         She looked deep in his eyes and whispered "Yes I hear you Mac. How did I get so lucky?" His eyes showed his amusement and he said "Lucky that you are the most beautiful woman?" She laughed for a moment, then got serious and answered "Lucky enough to meet you. You are wonderful Mac and it scares me how quickly my feelings are coming." He kissed her softly and said "You aren't alone there Baby, so don't be scared. I'm right there with you." He hoped she would get his meaning. He thought he heard her catch her breath, but she turned to finish her pastries.

            He smiled and said "So how long until you want to take this trip?" She said "I need to talk to mom but I figure I can be ready by Friday. How long do you think it will take?" He said "So we're not rushed? Maybe 2 weeks. Depends how long she wants to stay at each place. We need to figure that out soon so we can make reservations Baby. It will be easier with reservations. Do you want to take my Jeep? Or rent a bigger vehicle? I figured you would have to leave your truck for Linda." He watched her hands knead the dough she was working to get ready. She smiled up at him as the timer went off for his cupcakes. She left the dough to rise and grabbed out the cupcakes. She slid the tray onto the counter and he grinned "They look amazing." 

        She took one off the tray and held it out to him. He slowly took a bite as she watched the wonder spread across his face. Mac smiled and said "That's amazing Adele." She grinned when he leaned in and kissed her with the flavors still on his lips. She said "So do you think they should make the menu?" He said "I think they would sell like crazy. I know I'd buy plenty." She laughed and said "You won't buy any!" He laughed and said "Yes I will, you have no idea how bad my sweets addiction is. It's a joke among my team." She just laughed and said "Good thing your girlfriend is a baker then." He said "It is a good thing, but she may just be sweet enough to sate that craving." Adele blushed and said "Oh Mac!" as she started laughing.

       She scooped up a few and put them on a platter, before taking his hand and leading him back into the front of the shop. Linda and Rich were sitting close and talking quietly. When they heard the door swing open they scooted apart. Mac grinned knowingly and Adele pretended not to notice Linda blushing. They joined them at the table and Adele slid the tray in the middle. Rich said "The special project?" Adele laughed and said "Yes. I made them from a combination of Mac's favorites. He's already tried them of course." Rich laughed and said "Of course he has! What are they?" Adele went on to explain the flavor mixtures. Rich picked one up and bit into it, he quickly polished it off and reached for another. Mac slapped his hand and laughed. After Linda tried one, she said "These are amazing Adele! Are you putting them on the menu?" Adele looked at Mac and said "Well I truly only made them for Mac, but he thinks they should be on the menu." Rich said "I agree with Mac. That's the best thing I've ever tasted!"

       Linda laughed at Rich and Mac patiently waiting to have another and said "Adele put them out of their misery and let them have more. What are you going to call it?" Adele laughed and pushed the tray towards the guys, who immediately picked up another. She smiled and looked at Mac while answering "The SEAL's Heart, will be the name of them." Mac looked up and grinned before pulling her close for a sweet kiss. He said "Great name Babe. Oh before I forget. I'm not heading back to base tonight Rich, so you can take my jeep back." Rich said "What do you mean you aren't heading back to base?" Adele started laughing and said "He's staying at my place." 

      Rich shook his head and said "I realize you are my big sis and all, so I won't say anything to upset you. If he misbehaves you tell me and I'll put him in his place." Adele watched the two men, then relaxed when Mac started to laugh. Rich grinned and she shook her head at the two. Mac said "He's just warning me to not take advantage of you Babe. It's kinda strange to see him act all brotherly." Adele smiled and Rich said "Well it is my job to make sure she's ok ya know? She's my sister! Still can't believe it!"

       Linda smiled and said "You may need your jeep Mac. I can take Rich home. I'm headed that way anyway. My sister lives down by the base and I promised to meet her after work tonight." She blushed a little and Mac said "Up to Rich really. Either way." Rich said "If you don't mind Linda, I'd like the ride." She looked up from under her lashes at him and smiled shyly. "I don't mind at all Rich. But we better get going soon." Adele said "Oh Linda I'm going to need you here a lot the next few weeks. Mom wants to take a trip to Texas. So I'll need you to run the bakery and I'll hire a couple of teens to help you. Are you ok with that?" Linda smiled and said "Of course Hun. I'll be here in the morning to open. You take your time coming in okay?" Adele had to smile at her friend's hint to enjoy her night.

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