Chapter 37

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          They were enjoying lunch, when Mac decided to broach the subject of the rest of their trip. He cleared his throat, looking at them both, he said "I wanted to talk to you both about the rest of the trip. I know you wanted to visit several cities Emily. I was wondering though, if you were okay with us staying here at the ranch, at least until the wedding is complete?" Emily looked at Adele, smiled and answered "I think staying here would be a great idea. We have so much planning to do for the wedding. What do you think Sweetie?"

         Adele squeezed Mac's hand, knowing part of his suggestion was for her mom, she said "It would make the planning easier! We could go dress shopping Momma. Are you sure you are okay with postponing the rest of the trip?" Emily laughed and said "Oh Sweetie, this trip wasn't about the places we were going! It was about spending time together, I'm happy to do that right here. We are going to plan your wedding, that is so much better than a trip to the beach!" Adele nodded, looked at Mac, and answered "I think that settles it, looks like we're staying here."

         Mac smiled at both of them, then said "One last thing, I called my brother and he's bringing his wife and children to the wedding. I had told you about my niece Adele, what I didn't know until today is I have a nephew too. He is 18 months old, and my sister-in-law is pregnant again. I was going to ask them to come up a week early if you don't mind. I haven't seen them in a few years." Mac looked down into his lap until Adele squeezed him hand and pulled until he looked up. He was shocked to see the tears there, she said "Of course we want you to Mac, I would like to meet my future in-laws before we actually say I do. Why don't you go call your brother back and see if they can come early?"

       Mac leaned over and kissed her softly, before excusing himself from the table to make the call. He stepped out onto the deck and dialed, Cam picked up on the second ring, laughing, he said "Twice in one day! I think I might faint." Mac laughed, Oh how he had missed this! He said "Alright Smartass! Listen, I was talking to Adele and I wanted to ask you something. How would you like to come out here the week before the wedding? I know you work from home, and could work from here if needed. I will even book the room and everything. I would just like to spend some time with all of you."

      Cam said "Let me ask the wife." He called for Mary, relaying Mac's request, then came back on the line to answer, "Mary said she's all for it! She will make arrangements with the school for Izzy to miss a week. I will look up flights and google the drive to see which will be easier. Actually, we will probably drive with Mary being pregnant and all, i'll have her ask her doctor. So I would think we will probably be there Friday Night, if we leave here that morning, it is about a 12 hour drive." Mac stopped and thought for a moment, then said "Pennsylvania is further than that. Isn't it like 20 hours?" Cam laughed at him, saying "I'm sure it is, luckily we don't live there anymore. We live just outside of Chattanooga, Tennessee."

        Mac just shook his head, frowning at his lack of this knowledge, he said "When did you move?" Cam said "About a year ago. Mary and I thought it might be a good idea to move closer to Dad. He sold the house we grew up in, then moved to Chattanooga, in an apartment at the retirement community here." Mac sighed, he knew he was putting off calling his dad, but he would call before the end of the day. He cleared his throat, and said "Hey Cam, I need to run. We have to go meet the wedding planner, lots of decisions to make. I'll call you tonight after I make the reservations." Cam agreed and they said their goodbyes, before hanging up.

        Mac's phone beeped, he looked down, and laughed. Cam had sent him a text with their dad's new number, saying 'just call him already'. He stared at the number for several minutes, before noticing he had 30 minutes until they needed to meet Dixie. Taking a deep breath, he dialed the number and listened to it ring several times. He was about to hang up, when a old man said, "Hello?" Mac felt a lump in his throat at the sound of his dad's voice, when the voice said hello again, Mac cleared his throat saying, "Dad? It's Mac." It was the old man's turn to be silent for a moment, before the voice tearfully said, "Son, it's so good to hear your voice. I'm glad you called, there's so much I need to say."

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