You have an argument

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Thomas - You'd been upset for a while now, Thomas hadn't been paying as much attention to you since Teresa arrived in the Glade. You wouldn't say you were jealous, just annoyed how he acted like you didn't even exist anymore. You decided you were tired of acting like nothing bothered you, you were going to talk to Thomas. However you were afraid this 'discussion' would go too far, breaking up with him was the worst thing you could think of but that thought had been lingering in the back of your mind now for a while.
      Thomas was just coming back from the maze, no doubt planning on going to see Teresa afterwards. You waited outside the walls so that when he returned he wouldn't have a chance to avoid you. After a while, you noticed the runners begin to emerge from the maze. You spotted Thomas instantly, he seemed exhausted - but you still had a bone to pick with him.
       "Hey princess, what are you doing here?" Thomas panted, smiling at you as he rested his hands on his knees.
       "We need to talk." You sighed, looking to the ground as you brushed your hand against your forehead. Thomas nodded and began to listen. "I-I just feel like you prefer Teresa to me and it's really getting to me.." You stuttered, worrying about his reaction.
      "I've already told you, we're just friends! Why do you keep getting so annoyed about it?" Thomas spat, you were surprised he was the angry one when it was you he'd upset!
      "Because you don't even act like I exist anymore and I'm sick of it!"
      "Yes I do! I talk to you every single day, I treat you well, what more do you want?"
      "You only spoke to me twice yesterday, you sat with Teresa at lunch for the third time whilst I sat on my own, I can't even remember the last time you kissed me!!" You shouted, so loud you thought you heard your voice echo throughout the maze walls. Thomas stared at you wide eyed for a moment, a look of realisation in his eyes.
      "(y/n), I--" before Thomas could finish his sentence, you stormed away from him, fuming with anger because of the fact he hadn't even realised.
      "I'm done with this." You whispered with anger, tears forming in your eyes. Thomas stood there speechless - as he watched you walk away.

Newt - Newt seemed really busy lately, he had barely stopped working for a few weeks now, almost a month. You thought the strain was going to result in his illness getting worse, so you decided you were going to ask him to relax for once. He was currently out helping Gally with something, once you saw him you instantly could tell he was exhausted - but for some reason he looked really angry as well.
       "Newt?" You hesitantly asked, slowly approaching him as you saw Gally stood behind him waving his hands in the air to say 'don't talk to him', however I ignored him - I wanted Newt to be happy despite what was going on. He speedily turned around, a blank look on his face.
        "What?" He hissed. "I'm busy." You put your hand on his shoulder, he was already tense and slightly shaky, you honestly couldn't tell what was up with him. It angered you that he was being so arrogant considering he was your boyfriend.
         "I was just thinking you need.. A break..?" You could tell that you sounded scared of him, and in all honestly in a way you was. Not of what he could do; because he wouldn't do anything bad to you. But how hurt he might feel that you seemed to be underestimating him.
         "No, I'm fine." He turned back around and continued his work, his back facing you. Okay, now you were angry. Couldn't he see you was just trying to help?
         "I'm just trying to help you." You said, perhaps in a more angrier tone than you expected.
          "Yeah, well I don't need help!" He spat, causing you to wince slightly.
          "Can't you just see I'm trying to be nice?" Tears were forming in your eyes now and you didn't even know why. "All you ever do is throw everything back in my face, I'm sick of it!" You could see Newt looked hurt, you understood why, but figured it was about time you told him how you felt.
           "All I said is that I'm busy! Maybe if you stopped being so bloody annoying I'd have more time for you! Sometimes I wonder why I'm still with y--" His words hurt you, like a lot. You were full on crying now, and you noticed Gally was still there glaring at Newt. "(y/n).. I didn't mean that- I-"
       "N-no.. Just- forget it." You sobbed quietly, wiping your eyes as you walked away.
       "There was no shucking need for that, man." Gally snapped, crossing his arms as he scowled at Newt, his face buried in his hands.

Minho - You'd been in a terrible mood lately. You didn't know why, you just didn't feel yourself and other Gladers had started to notice - especially Minho. Though for some reason you noticed he'd started getting annoyed over it, you kind of agreed with him. You'd been such a downer lately, it was lowering his mood and you knew.
You sat on your own one night on the grassland in the middle of the Glade. It was one of your favourite things to do when you felt down, it was relaxing and it took you away from Minho constantly asking you if you were okay. You laid your head on the grass, feeling the cool breeze blow the hair from your face. Soon you began to hear footsteps, you sat up to see Minho approaching you; you thought he was asleep along with the other Gladers.
"Hey." He smiled, sitting down next to you. You greeted him with a fake smile before looking down and messing with the grass. He was looking into your eyes with what seemed like sympathy mixed with irritation. "You've still not cheered up then?"
"I'm fine." You sighed, ignoring his scowl towards you.
"(y/n), how long is this going to last?" He asked in a slightly annoyed tone.
"Are you seriously getting angry with me for feeling sad?"
"No. For not telling me or anyone else what's wrong, you're making me feel like I've done something wrong and it's making me feel so shucking terrible!" He abruptly snarled, his fists tightening slightly onto the grasp of grass below him.
"Maybe because I don't even know what's wrong?!"
"Don't lie to me!"
"I'm not shucking lying! Why can't you just leave me alone for once?!"
"Fine, I will." And with that, Minho left; leaving you cold and alone.

Gally - Lately Gally had been acting different around you, you couldn't tell why and couldn't quite figure out how he was different - he just was. You'd been talking a lot to Thomas lately, you in no means had feelings for Thomas and knew that he didn't either, but you thought that maybe Gally was slightly jealous.
You were just walking back to your hut after helping out Thomas and Frypan with a couple of jobs, but when you opened the door you were surprised to see Gally stood there with his back towards you. Once he heard you he instantly turned around, a blank expression on his face.
"Gally?" You rasped, a faint worried smile on your lips. "Wh-what's up?"
"We need to talk," he began, taking a step closer to you. "About Thomas." 'Oh god' you thought to yourself in your head, you knew this was coming.
"I'm not cheating on you - me and Thomas are just friends, I thought it was obvious."
"From the way I see it, I think you're lying," your eyes widened at his accusation. "I've seen the way he looks at you, there's gotta be something going on!" You began to back up against the wall slightly, you knew that it was no joke when Gally was angry, and things could get serious.
"Gally, stop it! There's nothing going on!!"
"I don't believe you!!" As she shouted, he raised his hand slightly yet speedily, causing you to flinch and fall backwards slightly. Then the anger left his eyes, it was replaced by realisation and sympathy, also a bit of regret. "I.. wasn't going to hit you, (y/n).." His voice was soft and shaky, you scrambled further up the wall - away from him.

Mkay wow, this was hard to write. I apologise if any of this seems kinda sad, but, who thinks I should make a part 2? I think it'd be nice to find out what happens after these arguments?

~ Lily c:

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