Your first kiss together - Part 1

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Thomas - You were sat at the campfire next to Thomas, all the Gladers were celebrating, cheering, and overall creating a lively enjoyable atmosphere. You were sat talking to your best friend Thomas, trying to ignore Gally who had seemed to of drank a bit too much of his 'special recipe'. He'd been throwing random insults at people, you in particular, he kept bringing up your family, which was a very sensitive subject for you. Just the word upset you, however Gally wasn't just saying the word. He was insulting your family, making you feel even worser by the second until eventually you just couldn't take it anymore.

"(y/n)? What's up?" Thomas calmly asked, titling his head as he watched you with your head down and your eyes glossy. You said nothing as a tear leaked from your eye, before standing up and speedily walking away and into the small hut where your hammock was. Thomas watched in worry before running after you, after scowling at Gally.

You sat on the floor next to your hammock with you your knees pressed up against your chest, tears still falling down your face. Thomas followed you through the door and knelt down in front of you, his face with a curious yet sympathetic look on it. "Don't cry," he frowned, wiping the tears from your face with his right hand. "He didn't mean it, please don't be upset. I can't stand seeing you upset."

"I-I'm fine.." You stuttered, looking to the ground. Thomas got closer to you, his hand still softly pressed up to your face.

"No you're not, please stop, you're too beautiful to cry" Once again he got even closer, a few inches away from your face. He began looking into your eyes, at your lips, all around your face. Before you had the chance he had soon leaned in that much that his lips were against yours and you were soon having a long, passionate kiss.

Newt - It was the middle of the night and you couldn't sleep, you decided to leave the sleeping area and go to sit outside for a while to get some fresh air. You were sat on the grass underneath a beautiful scene of the stars in a clear sky, it was almost magical. It was certainly the best thing you'd seen since you got here.

You laid on your back staring at the sky, when you heard faint footsteps on the grass behind you. Turning your head slightly, you spotted your closest friend, Newt, approaching you with a tired smile on his face. He reached you and sat down next to you cross legged, you sat up and faced him.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked, looking into the sky, the stars reflecting on his hazel eyes.

"Nope." You sighed, looking into the distance.

"Me neither." Newt moved his position and sat cross legged in front of you.

"It's pretty beautiful out tonight" you murmured, tilting your head upwards as a gentle cool breeze brushed your (h/c) hair away from your face.

"Yeah.." He smirked, looking at you the whole time. You frowned at him as you cocked your head to the right slightly.

"What?" You giggled, scratching the back of your head. You flinched slightly as Newt leaned towards you, before scowling. You could definitely predict what was about to happen.

"What? I'm not gonna bloody bite you, (y/n)." He smirked. I giggled before he gently pressed his lips against mine.

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