He Hits You

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Thomas - The maze walls had just closed and you were curious where Thomas was. He went in today and the last couple of days, he'd been acting pretty strangely the whole week though.
You wandered to the forest, looking in every direction to get a glimpse of where your boyfriend had gone. "Where are you, you slint-head?" You murmured to yourself, squinting as the sun began to fall down behind the trees. You flinched as you heard a twig snap behind you, speedily turning around to the source of the sound.
"(Y/N)? Shouldn't you be further in The Glade? It's gettin' late." Thomas hissed. Unaware of his current feelings, you approached him.
"Thomas, what's up? You haven't been yourself all week." You calmly demanded, starting to regret your words as he looked at you with a stone cold expression.
"Nothing, go back." He turned his back on you as he began to wander off. Your heart sunk at such a sight. You picked up your pace and caught up with him, firmly placing your hand on his back.
"I said go back!" He clamoured, instantly pushing you to the ground with all his strength. You lay there, looking up at him with teary eyes as he did the same to you.

Newt - Newt had been injured pretty badly in the maze, he was taking care of his wounds while he laid on his hammock. You decided to check on him, you knew he was having a bad week as you'd been having regular arguments, but making sure he was okay was the least you could do.
"Newt?" You rasped, entering the hut as you searched for him. Newt made a grunting sound to inform you of his whereabouts. "Are you good?"
"What do you think? I was attacked by a bloody griever." He snapped, raising his hands up in frustration. You were used to him acting this way as he'd done it for several days.
"I don't want to argue." You urged, looking at the angry Brit with hurt eyes, he gazed at you before looking away with a scowl.
"What do you want?" He ordered, swiftly standing from his hammock and looking over you. You shrugged as you stared at the ground. He was starting to scare you now, his mood was surprisingly grouchy today. "You can't just ask me if I'm okay and expect me to forget everything that's happened!" His face full of angst, you backed away from him slightly, only to collide with the wall behind you.
"I just wanted to apologis--" you were cut off by Newt's stone cold glare turning into a stern, aggressive expression. He speedily raised his large right hand and thoroughly collided it with your jaw. You whimpered in pain as you slid down the wall, tears forming in your eyes.

Gally - Gally and Alby had been arguing for hours, you had been sat in the corridor outside their room listening in. You didn't feel nosey at all, and you certainly weren't trespassing. You weren't even concerned about your boyfriend, Gally, you were just curious as to what was going on. The source of your curiosity came from the fact that this argument was your fault, Gally was begging Ably to let you become a runner and he took it the wrong way.

"Then what's your shucking problem?!" Alby screeched, his voice high with anger and slight nervousness. Crashes began to sound followed by the smashing of glass.
"Dude! Back off you slinthead!" Gally cried, he sounded desperate to leave the room but was obviously too intimidated by Alby to get to the door.
"That's it, just.. Just get out. I-I'll think about it." And with that, the argument died down and Gally opened the door.

You flinched and began to walk towards him, acting as if you was only just passing by and hadn't heard anything.

"Gally, wha--" you were cut off by his stern, angered face glaring at you, his eye was swollen and blood was seeping from his lower lip.
"Oh my shuck.. Did Alby do that?" You instantly felt embarrassed, it was obvious yet you hid your humiliation.

"No, I did this to myself. What do you shucking think?! Of course it was." He startled you with his attitude, what scared you more was that this was all down to you.

"Are you okay?" You stood closer to him, still nervous.
"I'm fine."
"Are you sure? Becau--"
"Back off!!" Gally roared, his eyes fiery with angst.
"What the shuck is your problem?!" You growled, you usually wouldn't fight back as you knew it made matters worse, but this time you couldn't stop yourself. Before you could wince, he pushed you to the ground with force causing you to squeal out loud. You slowly looked up at him as tears instantly filled your eyes and rolled down your cheeks. He looked back at you with what was either shock or sorrow, you couldn't be sure after what just happened.

I apologise I didn't write a Minho preference for this, I already included his part in his imagine I wrote a while back so I had no other ideas for him.

I will be writing a part two for this!

The Maze Runner imagines/preferences (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now