Newt imagine: Part 1

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I'd been in The Glade for over a year now, or at least it felt like a year. I remember when I was first sent in to this shuck hole, I had no memories, no details, not even a name. I've gotten used to it now though, I have friends. Even though there are no other girls here, I can still manage pretty easily.

Throughout the year I'd become close with two boys in particular, Minho and Newt to be exact. Although I'd only been here for around 12 months, these boys were like my brothers! Best friends were hard to find in places like this, yet they related to me, they could understand me from the moment I arrived. To me they were precious. Newt especially, we were a little closer.

It was late at night and i'd just awoken to the sounds of a familiar voice calling my name from a distance. I stumbled out of my hammock, rubbing my eyes thoroughly as I followed the sound. I instantly knew it was Newt shouting me, but I was curious about what he wanted at this time of night, even he should be asleep right now. I noticed all the hammocks around me were empty and a shouts and cries could be heard far away. This wasn't the time to be casual, I turned my unsteady pace to a run.

"Newt?" I called back, only then did I spot a crowd ahead, all of the boys in the Glade by the looks of it. I wandered closer, and was greeted by Newt crashing into me. I flinched violently as we collided, letting out a grunt.

"Oh my god, (Y/N), I'm sorry," The Brit worriedly began. "Are you okay?" He pushed the messy blonde hair from his Hazel eyes as he stood up straight, looking down on me.

"Never mind me, what's going on?" I unintentionally snapped, I didn't mean to sound hasty, but I'd just been woken up from my slumber, and I take sleep seriously. Newt looked around, then gazed back at me, confused.

"You didn't hear?"

"Hear what?"

"All of the doors to the maze have opened, the grievers could get in any minute!" Newt was worrying, and I couldn't stand to see him worrying. Only now I was scared too, I certainly wasn't good at fighting, and it looked like fighting was about to take place.

Newt firmly grasped my wrist and pulled me away from the crowd of boys.
"Just stay by me when they get here, I don't want you to get hurt." He calmly spoke, he could clearly tell I was frightened. This happened a couple of months back, and I got hurt really badly, I think that had scared Newt a little bit more than me.

"Okay, but what if you get hurt?" I asked, I knew that I could be clumsy at times, and that I could probably get someone hurt accidentally. Newt smirked at me, instantly realising what I was trying to say.

"As long as you're okay, that's all that matters, (Y/N)." I blushed at his words and hurriedly looked away from him, smiling ear to ear.

"Right, we're going to the Forrest, we should be safe there," Newt gently grasped my hand once again. "Like I said, I won't let them hurt you, I promise."

Well here's the first part of my Newt imagine, the second part should be coming up soon.

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