You're ill

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Thomas - You woke up with the worst migraine, it felt like the most painful one you had ever experienced, or at least the worst one you could remember. You crawled out of your bed to the sound of Frypan calling you to work, you rubbed your throbbing temples thoroughly as you squinted at the light pushing it's way through the clouds in the sky.

"Good morning, beautiful." a familiar voice sounded from behind you. You turned around with a frown trying your best to look bright and well. "Hi, Tommy." You meandered towards him, forcing a smile despite the nausea making it hard to pull any facial expression. "Are you feeling okay? You don't seem too hot." Thomas tilted his head to the left lightly. "I'm fine," You turned your gaze to the ground. "Don't sweat it."

You and Thomas began to travel towards the kitchen in sight of Frypan when you suddenly began to wobble and stumble about. "Oh shuck, (y/n)!" Thomas stuttered, watching you with worry. Before you could straighten yourself up, you found yourself quickly falling into unconsciousness and collapsed into Thomas' arms in a heap.

About two hours later, you soon began to regain consciousness and found yourself back in your bed. You sat up, grunting as you began to feel your headache again. "woah, woah, don't strain yourself!" Thomas leapt up from the ground and put his hands on your shoulders, gently pushing you back down.

"wh-what happened?" you murmured, your eye lids attempting to force themselves shut. "You fainted."
"Oh.. well I was feeling a bit under the weather, and i still am to be honest.." Thomas turned back to you, his face full of worry and concern. "Go back to sleep, i'll stay here until you feel better." He smiled, relaxing you slightly. You sunk back into your bed and soon fell back to sleep again, Thomas staying besides you for the rest of the afternoon.

Newt - You'd had an appalling cold for two days now, the symptoms were getting worser and worser every hour and you felt like death. Despite this, you were still determined to get work throughout the Glade done as you did not want to let anyone down. You had been coughing like crazy for about an hour now, yet somehow managed to hide it from most people, apart from your boyfriend, Newt, who was watching you like a hawk.

"(y/n), you're not well. Let me do your work for you and you go get some rest." The Brit demanded, placing a large hand on your shoulder as you tried your best not to sneeze on him. Before you could reply, you became incredibly cold, which was unusual as the Glade somehow resembled a desert. You shivered dramatically, forming clearly visible goosebumps on your arms. "I-I'm fine." You mumbled, putting your hand on Newt's and shaking it slightly.

"You're bloody freezing, (y/n)!" He clamoured, widening his eyes at you. Newt gently grabbed your hand and dragged you to your bed, he let go and frowned slightly. You gave up on fighting back, when it came to your boyfriend trying to keep you safe, you could not retaliate. "Bloody hell," He began to take off his long sleeved shirt, you held yourself back from blushing violently. "The things I do for you!" he giggled, placing the shirt over you like a blanket, you warmed up pretty quickly after that.

"I'm coming back with food, stay there." Newt ordered with a smile, before wandering off to sneak into the kitchen in search for things to make you better and cheer you up.

Minho - Stomach cramps had been driving you mad all evening and had been preventing you from getting to sleep, as you tossed and turned in your bed, the pain just got worse. "Shuck." You aggressively whispered, holding your stomach with your arms. Closing your eyes forcefully, you made out the muffled sound of foot steps outside the door besides you.

"(y/n)? Can I come in for a sec?" a voice murmured outside, instantly recognising the voice, you sat up with a flinch. "Sure, come in." Minho emerged from the door and closed it silently.

"Are you good? Youv'e been moving about for hours." Minho said in an attempt to stay quiet.
"No, not really, cramps and stuff." you sighed, still holding your stomach and trying your best not to scream at any moment. Minho curled his lip slightly as he approached you. "Aw, i'm sorry, can I get you anyting?" you quickly shook your head with a smile. "No, i'm fine, go back to bed slinthead." you smirked, moving your hand back and fourth motioning to the door. Minho shook his head at you and shared a vague giggle. "Not today, shank." He climbed onto your bed and soon wrapped his arms around your shoulders and waist, your fingers entwined. Once he'd finished plastering your face in kisses, you eventually found yourself slowly falling to sleep in Minho's arms, your pains gone and forgotten.

I apologise that I don't have a Gally preference on this, I'm having a huge writers block and couldn't think of anything for him. I also apologise for any spelling mistakes, I've been writing this on my iPod and auto-correct always wins!
Oh, and thank you all very much for 900+ reads! c:

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