Newt imagine request

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Requested by: @rilyeloverxoxo123 (unable to tag)

Ever since I first arrived in the Glade, me and Newt had always been very close. We'd been in a relationship for almost a year now, and he'd gotten very protective over me. I don't know why, I guess he's just seen more than I had in his time of being here. One thing I was having an issue with was Gally. He would not leave me alone no matter what, he'd constantly follow me, talk to me, and most of all flirt with me. If it was anyone else, I personally would be fine with that, of course I'd never leave Newt, but I wouldn't avoid them at all because that's a harsh thing to do. The only problem was that Gally was a bully. I and many other people strongly disliked him, he wasn't exactly the nicest guy to be around, he was very pushy.

Me and Newt had just finished a job I was helping him with, and I was just returning to my room in the Homestead. It was getting pretty late and quiet, and I could slightly make out a figure next to the outside of the building. Presuming it was just some random Glader waiting outside, I brushed it off like it was nothing and carried on walking. Then I realised it was Gally, looking straight at me, approaching me.. Shuck.

"Hey Anakah." He smirked, walking to the side of me and following me. I'd had it, he was that annoying and clingy that I couldn't even cope being near him anymore.

"Just leave me alone you slinthead!" I shouted, quiet enough so that nobody other that me, Gally and maybe a couple of others would hear. "I'm sick of you constantly stalking me and bugging me for attention! Can't you just find somebody else to bother?!"

"Ooh, I'm hurt." He sneered, grabbing hold of my shoulders and pushing me towards the wall of the homestead. I flinched and tried to escape his grasp, until he smashed his lips onto mine. I refused to join in, continuing to kick and squirm in his grasp.

"Get off me you shank!" I managed to shout as I finally pushed him away. Before he had the chance to stop me, I ran as fast as my feet could take me to where Newt was, having only the light of the homestead to illuminate my path.

"Anakah? What's wrong?" Newt asked calmly, seeing I was distressed when I finally reached him, Minho and Thomas; who were all stood discussing something.

"Gally just kissed me! Full on kissed me!" I panted, anger filling up my body as I struggled to get the words out. I was definitely not scared of how Newt would react, as he also hated Gally for being so demanding and clingy.

"That bloody slinthead." He snarled, starting to storm over to the homestead, me and the other boys following him. We reached the Homestead, Gally still stood outside the doors as if nothing had happened in the first place. "What the hell do you think you're playing at?" Newt growled, pushing Gally by the shoulders. "Taking advantage of someone like that! You're shucking awful!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Gally slyly stated, picking up his posture that was ever so slightly taller than Newt's.

"Yes you bloody well do! Listen, do anything else like that? You'll be banished in no time!" Thomas and Minho got to both sides of Newt, making it impossible for Gally to run. "Go anywhere near her again, and you'll be done for. You got that?"

Gally hesitantly nodded, before turning his back and making his way away from the homestead. He was soon out of sight, no doubt embarrassed and ashamed.

Newt turned to me and pulled me into a hug. "Tell me if he tries anything else, I'm not scared of banishing that slinthead."

This is really bad and I'm so sorry, I tried very hard on it but I think it turned out different to how I expected.  Very sorry for any inconvenience, and nevertheless I hope you enjoyed it.

(I'm also very sorry if I got your name wrong! I'll change it if I have.)

~ Lily c:

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