How you react after the rescue

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(As in when you and the boys were rescued and taken to that containment place)

Thomas - Other than Thomas constantly questioning what happened and what was going on when him and Aris saw a body being taken into a lab, you both settled in pretty well. Your dorms were close to each other and you always sat with each other during meals, you usually found yourself telling Thomas to calm down when he started getting all frustrated with the body, and where this organisation were actually taking us. Either way you both felt better being in a different environment to the Glade, you both still found time to be happy and laugh together even though it was a different atmosphere, plus Thomas really appreciated the fact that you listened to his suspicions unlike everyone else.

Newt - You and Newt settled in easily once arriving, your dorms were far apart but Newt would always walk over to yours when he could, you'd both sit together and discuss the facility, the people in it and just your feelings overall (despite the girls sharing the dorm who would occasionally complain). Newt felt positive about this new environment, however his suspicions were slightly raised by Thomas' accusations against the owners. Either way you both remained calm, seeing you every day without being split up due to work helped Newt stay more cheery, which never failed to make you smile.

Minho - You and Minho barely changed once you got rescued and put in the facility, you still laughed a lot together and joked around. He even managed to have sassy arguments with another two boys within the first few hours of being there, and of course maintained his passionate mood for you. You both appreciated the new surroundings and happily got along with most of the other people. You both also always got really hyped up for the meals there, it was a nice change eating things that didn't have Frypan's hairs in them.


Aris - As soon as you and the other boys from the Glade arrived from the rescue, you instantly made a small connection with Aris simply from the awkward eye contact he made with you as you walked into the main hall. You saw that he was sat on his own, despite the fact that there could be a reason for that, you decided to sit on his table and attempt to make friends. Funnily enough that worked, and you soon found yourselves talking about your past experiences. You both found it coincidental how he was the only boy in Glade B and you were the only girl in Glade A, he discussed his suspicions against the people who held you in the facility, and you both overall really bonded. After that you would occasionally visit each others dorms just to talk, even though your friends thought Aris was kinda odd (Newt thought he was a spy..); you didn't really care, you thought he was a nice guy, and you were happy to carry on getting to know him.

This is really crappy and boring and I'm very sorry, I just wanted to try a more scorch trials related set of preferences, and I really wanted to include Aris, I just got the idea when I was doing maths in school and got excited to write it. Sorry that it sucked!
~ Lily c:

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