Newt imagine: Part 3

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"What happened?" Gally emerged from the trees, his clothes and skin covered in cuts and bloodstains. Minho sniffed as he pointed towards Newt, shedding tears as he gazed at me. Gally instantly realised I'd been stung, and although he'd usually not talk to me much or show any intrest in my company; he was pretty shaken.

"Oh shank." Gally lifted his trembling hand to his mouth and covered it up in shock, he continued to watch Newt mope over me and felt so sympathetic it was unreal.

"Well stop bloody gawking at her and do something!" Newt hissed, tears rolling down his cheeks as he scowled at Gally.

"I thought we ran out of syringes though.." Gally turned to Minho, raising his eyebrows and shoulders to let him know he needed help.

"More came up with the last greenie, didn't they?" The muscular Asian uttered, raising up his hands in confusion. Newt's head shot up in what seemed to be either excitement or frustration.

"Well bloody fetch it then!" He snapped, the veins in his neck becoming obvious as he yelled. He scrambled to his feet, still holding me tight in his arms. The panicked boy attempted to sprint further into the glade, not loosening his grip on me at all. He looked back at the other two boys with glossy eyes, somehow forcing them to follow him.

After a few moments of panicked sprinting and solum thoughts, we arrived back to the centre of the glade, dodging fire and ruined huts.
"Oh shuck.. Newt? What happened to (Y/N)?" Thomas demanded, rising back to his feet from observing a griever carcass.

Newt only shared muffled sniffs and whimpers as he lightly lifted my shirt to reveal the stinger's impact on my midriff. Thomas inhaled deeply as he widened his eyes, also aghast by my injury.

"Y-you have to help her Thomas.. Please.." Minho sobbed through a broken voice. Thomas lifted his head with a hopeful expression, he guided the three boys to the room full of hammocks and beds and revealed a small wooden crate. The hopeful teen removed the lid revealing some essentials, after a moment of rummaging through the supplies, he pulled out a glass device; the syringe. The cure.

"Thank shuck!" A relieved Gally sighed from behind the three boys, wiping the beads of cold sweat from his bloodstained forehead. Newt laid me down on a nearby bed, and wiped his eyes with his forearm as he stood back, staring at Thomas with large eyes. Thomas stared back at him, before removing the lid from the syringe. He gently jabbed the syringe point into my forearm, causing me to jerk slightly.

"Now all we can do is wait." Thomas articulated, patting Newt on the back as he brushed past him, leaving the room with Gally and Minho. Newt forced a fake smile as they left, which soon faded as he turned back to me. He pulled a stool towards him, and sat down next to the bed, he began to stare at the ground as his foot speedily tapped the floor in anxiety.

After 10 to 15 minutes of waiting, I finally began to open my eyes slightly, squinting at the sunlight seeping in through the wood. "Holy shuck.." I murmured, tilting my head.

Newt looked up with vast eyes and let out a small gasp. "Oh shuck, (Y/N) are you okay?" He urged, placing a hand on my shoulder as he shared an unsteady grin. What was he so happy about? I didn't have a clue what was going on.

"Wh-what happened..?" I sat up, wincing as a sharp pain filled my stomach and chest. I squealed and placed a hand upon my wound as my eyes narrowed. I suddenly remembered what happened, I could remember being stabbed by a griever, falling to the floor, and hearing sobs and shouts, the other memories were hazy.

"I'm sorry, (Y/nickname), I promised I'd protect you," Newt looked to his hands as tears began to well up in his dark hazel eyes. "But I didn't, but I swear I tried, I swear.." His voice began to crack up, I started to tear up with him, this was too much for both of us. I placed my right hand on his head, gently playing with his dirty blonde hair as I looked into his eyes.

"It's okay, I'm fine now. It doesn't matter." I reassured, I knew I couldn't change Newts mind, but the least I could do was try. He placed his hand on mine, smiling as he looked at his feet.

This isn't the ending part, there's still another part coming up soon.

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