Minho imagine: Part 4

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It had been two hours now, maybe more, maybe less, but it felt like an eternity. I just predicted it had only been two hours since the sky was still dark as.. Well.. Night. Minho had still not returned, the maze was completely silent, completely dark, completely dead.

I wanted to nap, I wanted to do anything that would prevent me from worrying about Minho's safety, but insomnia had struck and I laid there awake - staring at the clear, dim sky.

I closed my eyes for the billionth time, hoping this time I could finally drop off to sleep, but no matter how hard I tried, there was no hope for me getting any rest. An abrupt shout came from bellow the wall I sat upon, the voice was familiar and worried. I sat up and looked down in a hurry, instantly recognising Minho running towards the wall, faster than I'd ever seen him run.

He darted closer, smashing into the wall and jumping far up the ivy as he began to climb. I started to wonder why he was in such a panic, that was until I saw a griever not that far behind him.

"Minho, stay still!" I aggressively whispered at him, obeying my own orders and lying flat on the surface. Minho looked up at me and then pushed himself closer to the wall, his clothes almost blending in with the plantation. Luckily, the monster hadn't seen him climbing up, and ventured further into the maze in it's search. Once it was far out of our sight, Minho began to climb up once again, slowing down a bit.

"Oh shuck." He sighed, slouching on to the surface in a panicked, panting mess. I sat beside him, not speaking for a while, before he turned to me, relief in his eyes.

"Hey." He rasped, seeming more casual and relaxed than ever. I softly shook my head at him.

"Are you okay? You almost gave me a heart attack, shank face." I frowned, punching Minho in the shoulder. He sniggered as he sat closer to me, looking over his shoulder to check the griever hadn't come back.

"I'm fine, are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be? You left me here, I could of helped you." I moved my gaze to my hands to stop the awkward eye contact.

"I left so that shank of a griever was drawn away from you, if I climbed up it'd've followed me!" Minho seemed so determined to get his point across, not realising I already understood him.

"I get it, slint-head, thank you." I murmured with a grin, pulling him into a tight hug.

Sorry for the boring ending, but hey, it was 4 parts!

Thank you all very much for the 250+ reads by the way, much appreciated.

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