You have an argument (part 2)

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Thomas - You'd gone to find Newt, he had been one of your closest friends since you arrived in the Glade, and you really needed him right now.
       "(y/n)? What's wrong?" The Brit asked as he turned from his work. He was already aware of the whole Thomas situation so he could instantly tell what was wrong.
       "Thomas and Teresa." You sniffed, looking to the floor as you held back the tears. Newt sighed and shook his head as he placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
       "I'll go talk to him, okay?" Newt smiled, though he was certainly not happy about it. You nodded without looking back up, only to see Thomas appear behind Newt.
       "(y/n)?" He asked, you stared at him big eyed, before sighing and looking away. Newt stood in front of him as if to be shielding you.
       "I think you owe her an apology, Tommy," Thomas tried to step towards you again. "Thomas- stop with this whole Teresa thing, because (y/n)'s bloody worth it." Newt glared at Thomas for a couple of seconds, before walking away and leaving you alone together.
       "I'm sorry. So sorry. I promise I'll never do that to you ever again, I didn't even realise what I was doing- I-" his constant rambling was starting to get on your nerves more than the Teresa situation itself. You found that the only way of shutting him up was kissing him, which went well as you both enjoyed it.
       "I love you sooo much," Thomas smiled as he pulled away and hugged you. "Nobody else."

Newt - You got to your hut and locked the door instantly, your hands shaking as you sobbed quietly; wondering to yourself why you got so offended that Newt thought you were annoying. Were you really that bad? You thought you were just being caring, trying to help him when you could, listening to him, being his bestfriend as well as girlfriend. Obviously not.
As you sat on your bed emotionless, the odd tear rolling down your cheek every now and then, you began to hear movement outside your door, followed by a soft knock. As you felt too teary and croaked up to talk, you replied with a questioning grunt.
"Can I come in?" You heard a British voice sigh. Instantly knowing it was Newt, you didn't reply, you simply sat on your bed in silence. You heard him sigh again as he slid down the door and supposedly sitting down leaning back on it. "You can't ignore me forever, (y/n)."
"I can try," you insisted. "Actually I guess I'm too annoying to stop talking to you." You got angry again, this was something that had to stop. You knew that one day you'd actually end up really hurting Newt if you carried on.
"You know I didn't mean that, I just.." His voice cracked as he stopped mid-sentence. You got off your bed and got closer to the door, sitting cross legged in front of it.
"I'm sorry.. I.." He sniffed, his voice was shaky and his tone unsteady. "I really didn't mean what I said, and I'm sorry for being so ignorant.. I just wasn't- haven't been feeling.. Myself." You were pretty sure he was crying now.
"Are you crying?" You softly asked, still slightly teary yourself.
"No." Newt attempted to say sternly, but his voice cracked as he spoke which gave him away. You stood up and slowly opened the door, he turned to you, tears running down his face. "Maybe."
You swiftly fell to the floor and pulled him into a tight hug, your face in his chest and his face buried into your shoulder. After a few silent seconds of this warm hug, you tried to loosen your grip slightly, however Newt wouldn't let go, you could tell that he was really upset.
"It's okay," you whispered, feeling his hand trail up and down your hair. "I'm not mad at you." You formed a faint smile to reassure him, he weakly returned it, before burying his face back into your shoulder.

Minho - You were distraught about what just happened, Minho never usually acted like that. You were in floods of tears, silently sitting by yourself in the same place about an hour after what happened. You considered apologising to Minho, but you couldn't bring yourself to face him - not now. You were scared he'd get angry again, and you couldn't cope with falling out with your bestfriend, let alone boyfriend.
       "(y/n)?" A familiar voice rasped, you looked up, ignoring the figure before you as you noticed how late it was. You hadn't really been paying attention to your surroundings. Chuck stood in front of you, a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?" He sniffed, offering you a hand to help you up. You took his hand and slowly stood up, wiping the salty tears from your skin with your sleeve.
      "I think I just shucked off Minho by accident." You sniffed, another set of tears leaking from your (e/c) eyes. "How did you find me?"
       "I heard crying when I was walking to the kitch- ... When I was walking to the... When I was walking.." He stuttered. He cleared his throat loudly before changing the conversation topic. "So what actually happened?"
       "I've felt really down lately, Minho was getting upset over it and we both sorta snapped at eachother. I told him to leave me alone, and that's what he did." Chuck sighed and kicked at the floor for a moment, either thinking of a reply or not knowing what to say.
        "Should I tell him that you're sorry? I know it's hard for you to tell him yourself, I'm sure he'll understand." He finally replied, you nodded at his idea and watched as he walked away.
      About a half hour later, you saw the figure of chuck emerging back, with another beside him. As they got closer, you realised it was Minho, and both boys seemed to be smiling, you didn't know why; and you didn't particularly want to know either. You looked directly at Minho, who began to run towards you. You backed up slightly not knowing what to do, that was until he reached you, almost knocking you to the floor as helifted you up by your waist and thighs and passionately kissed you. A flush of crimson red plastered your face before you melted into the kiss and accepted it with a smile.
      Minho finally pulled away and smiled as he looked deep into your eyes. "I can't stay mad with you."

Gally - you sat on the floor, not knowing what to do as you stared blankly at the wall, processing what happened. You couldn't tell who felt more hurt, you after thinking that Gally was going to hit you, or Gally knowing that you thought that.
        "(y/n).. I'm really sorry.. I'd never hit you.." Gally sighed, sinking to the ground next to you and placing his hand onto yours.
         "I know." You replied, soon leaning your head on Gally's shoulder and feeling him relax slightly. "And i'd never cheat on you. I love you too much and I could never do that to you."
         Gally smiled with a slight sigh. "I love you too." He turned his shoulder and pulled you into a warm hug. "I'm sorry for being so judgmental, it won't happen again." You nodded to his remark as you both exchanged smiles.

I'm very sorry this took such a long time to update! I've been really busy over summer break but I should be updating more often now.

And remember, I'm still up for taking requests as I'm suffering from a serious writers block!

~ Lily c:

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