Thomas imagine: Part 3

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I'd had enough of everyone underestimating me because I was the only girl in the Glade. Even one of my closest friends, I knew Gally could be a bit stern sometimes, and he had a completely different view on things to me, but I didn't think he'd do that.

I'd found myself in the forest, me and Thomas would usually sit there and talk when we didn't feel like helping the others. I predicted he'd find me there, and eventually spotted him approaching me.

"Thomas, not now." I murmured, kicking around leaves on the ground as I sighed. I was fairly surprised I wasn't crying, I was incredibly upset. Thomas sat down besides me, closer than usual. I rested my head on his shoulder as I exhaled, staring off into the distance deep in thought.

"They weren't saying that in a bad way, you know." Thomas looked down at me, and I looked at him, frowning. "Everyone here likes you, you basically just restored all of our faith in this place." I looked up, perplexed in what he was trying to say. "There's a chance that anyone could die in there, not just you. You know Gally and Minho think you're great, they wouldn't call you weak, I know them."

Thomas smiled at me, raising his eye brows slightly. I smiled back, this had cheered me up quite a lot, knowing that they thought that much of me really put a smile on my face. I sat up slightly, still leaning on Thomas' side.

"Thanks, Tom." I giggled faintly. "But hey, why were you stood outside the hut? Were you listening in on the conversation?" Thomas swiftly looked away, moving his arm behind his head and scratching the back of his head nervously.

"I.. Uh.. Yeah." I frowned at him, confused. Why was he listening in? Surely he must of had a reason.

"I heard them mention your name and I just got curious, I guess." Now he was blushing bright red, almost crimson. Was he seriously that embarrassed about admitting this to me?

"Shuck it."

I was cut off by Thomas abruptly leaning towards me and pressing his warm lips firmly onto mine. I flinched at first yet didn't pull away as I soon began to enjoy it. Our lips synchronised as we moved our faces slightly, he moved his hands to my waist and I moved mine to his hair. My heart was thumping and felt like it was going to burst out of my chest, this was pretty fun.

He eventually pulled away, smiling almost instantly, I grinned with him.
"I-I'm sorry.." He stuttered, I laughed as I cut him off by kissing his lips again, still grinning. I was certainly surprised, yet relieved, I'd been waiting for that for a year.

"Does this mean we're.. Together now?" I asked, staring at Thomas' lips as he looked into my eyes longingly. He nodded, and with that, I was finally happy. I may of been trapped in an isolated, dreary excuse of a place, but I had more than enough people to rely on; and that's all I needed.

And there you have it, I've finished my first imagine! I've enjoyed writing this, so I'm planning on writing a Newt imagine next. Thank you very much if you've managed to read up to this part without getting bored.

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