Newt x (suicidal) Reader: part 4

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Requested by: Kahlerkid

***Newts pov***
A couple of weeks had passed, (y/n) still hadn't woken up. I visited her everyday, I didn't speak, I just waited. I waited for some sort of response from her, just a way to let me know that she truly was still there. I hadn't gotten much sleep in the past two weeks, I couldn't even rest know the person I liked could die. Just that thought made me feel uneasy.

Another week passed, nothing.

And then another month, still no sign of waking up.

I was beginning to give up, I was starting to expect the worse, as much as it pained me. I decided I'd go and see her one last time, then only visit her occasionally. Yes, I know that seems miserable, but I knew she'd come back. I had faith in her, so I decided I'd wait for someone else to give me the news if she woke up.

***third person pov***

Newt opened the door as usual, quietly shutting it behind him as he sat in his usual place next to (y/n)'s bed. He softly took her hand in his grasp, placing his other hand over the top. He sighed as he scanned her face, still and paler than usual since the fall.

"Wake up, I really bloody miss you (y/n)." He murmured, still tired from lack of sleep. Just as he readied himself to go, he felt a faint twitch in his hand. He moved one to view (y/n)'s, her fingers were moving, soon so did her hands. Newt focuses on her face, she slowly started to open her eyes as he stared at her in shock. 

"(y/n)?" He whispered, removing the strands of loose hair from her face as she fully opened her eyes.

"What happened..?" She rasped, attempting to sit up before wincing in pain.

"Don't try to move," Newt rushed, carefully pushing her back down by her shoulders. "You jumped off the cliff.. You've been in a coma.. I thought you were going to die.." He struggled to get his words out, (y/n) could clearly tell he was upset, but didn't know what to do herself. "You promised you wouldn't do anything stupid.."

***Reader pov***
Now I remember, I wanted to die. Though my mind was still blurry and my head hurt, I could still remember falling. That's all I wanted. That's all I want. I could already feel tears coming from my eyes, I couldn't stop them, not now. I didn't want this. "Why..?"

"Why what?" Newt asked, his eyes glossy as he saw my tears and got closer to me.

"Why did they save me? I didn't want this, I can't do this.." I mumbled, now sobbing uncontrollably, my memory of being treated awfully finally coming back to me. Newt threw his arms around me tightly yet gently, carefully pulling me up into a hug so he wouldn't hurt me. "I don't want to be here anymore.." I cried.

"I really bloody like you (y/n), I'm not letting you die," he sighed, I buried my face into his chest and he rested his chin on my head. I had never felt worse in my life, but somehow this helped me. Knowing someone cared about me. "I know it's hard, but you'll get through it, we'll get through this." He implied, planting a soft kiss on my forehead afterwards. "I'm gonna try my best to stay with you whenever I can, I won't let everyone treat you badly, I promise."

I still cried, but more because I was happy rather than sad. I felt wanted for once, I was happy.

"Now, promise you won't do anything stupid again?"


And so it ends! I'm terribly sorry it was triggering, but I've definitely enjoyed writing this imagine and I hope everyone's enjoyed reading it!

I really hope you enjoyed it Kahlerkid!
~ Lily c:

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