Newt x (Suicidal) Reader: Part 3

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Requested by Kahlerkid

***Reader pov***
I woke up slowly, my consciousness coming back as I began to take in my surroundings. I was lying on something warm, I widened my eyes in shock as I realised I was lying on top on Newt, who was sleeping peacefully, his arms tightly wrapped around me.

I remembered now. I had a break down, with Newt there. Great, the guy I actually liked had awkwardly experienced me crying my eyes out all because I can't handle bullies. Another thing to add onto my list of why I wish I wasn't here.

I carefully moved Newt's arms from my waist and got up, trying not to wake him up as I left the room. It was early morning, still dark, so the maze walls had not yet opened. Minho must of still been asleep as he wasn't outside preparing for them to open. I was ready though, I knew what I was going to do, and had no second thoughts about it. I sat patiently outside the two maze doors, my legs crossed as I stared at the ground deep in thought. My head was half filled with regret, and the other half was a black, fuzzy feeling. I felt nothing anymore.

After another hour or so of waiting in silence, an uneasy rumble shook the ground as the two colossal walls slowly scraped across the ground. I quickly got to my feet, and as soon as the gap between the walls was wide enough for me to fit through, I rushed through, going as fast as my feet could take me.

I headed to the cliff, the cliff where some had died. Although those people had been thrown off according to Alby. I could remember hearing about someone who attempted to jump off, but nobody told me who, I'd always been curious about that.

I reached my destination, and took in the height of it. Just looking down made me feel dizzy, the distance from where I was stood to the ground looked humongous, my vision went blurry as I tried to process what I saw. But even though I dreaded the fall, I still felt nothing. I knew this was for the best, for me and the other Gladers.

I got closer to the edge, the tips of my shoes slightly over it. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I tried my best to relax. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I mentally asked myself, still not feeling anything, no feelings, no remorse, not even fear, just curiosity. I turned my head slightly, sensing a presence behind me. It was Minho. He'd obviously realised I'd gone alone and went out searching for me.

"(y/n).. What are you doing?" He quietly asked, slowly walking towards me with caution. I leaned my body forwards, this was it. "(Y/N)! NO!" I let myself fall, feeling the breeze in my hair as I plummeted towards the ground. I hoped to fall head first, but found myself turning to my back. I kept my eyes closed, only then feeling regret. Then - darkness. I heard a faint crash as I landed on my back, my hearing fuzzy and quiet. I could make out the sound of Minho shouting my name from above me. In my last seconds of consciousness, everything in my vision spun around and flickered, I felt no pain, I was numb.

***Newts pov***
I woke up about an hour ago in a different place, (y/n)'s bed. I knew that nothing bad had happened, I clearly remembered comforting (y/n) as she cried herself to sleep. I could remember her promising she wouldn't do anything stupid, but I didn't believe her. I couldn't bare to leave her like that, but we must of fallen asleep together. I'd gotten up and started asking around, I wanted to know where (y/n) had gone, my best guess was that she'd gone running, but I didn't want to leave her in the state she was in.

When I couldn't find her, I decided it was best to start working and take my mind off things. Just as I'd started, I heard a familiar voice shouting my name. As I turned my head I saw Chuck running towards me, struggling as he pushed himself to get to me as fast as he could. Something was definitely wrong, I saw by the look on his face that he was upset.

"Newt- I.. Ah.. It's (y/n), she-" he panted, resting his hands on his knees as he struggled to speak.

"Okay okay, calm down. What's happened?"

"It's (y/n), she's hurt. Really really hurt."

My heart skipped a beat. I knew what she'd done, I could tell from that breakdown the former night that she was suicidal. My worst fear was that she'd go down the same path I did, and knowing that that had just happened haunted me. "Where is she?" I asked, my voice raised.

"Minho just brought her to the Homestead, she's with Jeff and Clint. As soon as I found out I knew that I needed to tell you first." He rushed his words, making me wonder whether he was worried about (y/n) or about how I'd react; maybe both.

"Thanks, Chuck." I rushed, unable to smile. I began to sprint towards the Homestead, my heart pounding against my ribcage as I prayed for (y/n)'s life. What did she actually do? She can't of jumped off the cliff, could she? I was the only one who survived that, only because of the vine that caught me, that surely can't of happened twice? When I reached the homestead, I didn't retaliate as I pushed past the people there. At this moment in time, I didn't give a shuck about the other Gladers, only (y/n). She had to be okay.

I burst into Jeff and Clint's room, instantly seeing (y/n) lying peacefully on a bed. Her (s/c) skin seemed clean and untouched, her (h/c) hair only slightly messy from whatever had happened. She was still beautiful, even if she was injured. "Minho, what happened?" I demanded, approaching him as he sat on a chair opposite (y/n).

"She jumped off the cliff.. I didn't reach her in time. She's still alive though, I don't know how.. She just.. Is.."

"Barely," Jeff began, scratching his neck nervously. "We think she's in a coma, she's taken wounds to the back of her head and her back, if she landed on her head, she'd have no chance of making it. But she's still in a critical state, and at this moment, we don't know if she's gonna make it."

Those very words haunted me, they rushed around my head and wouldn't leave. I couldn't let her die, she was the best thing that had happened to me, I was just to scared to admit it.

Minho got up and left the room, he seemed distraught, I couldn't blame him. He must of felt like that was his fault. I took the seat that Minho had left and looked at her, tears begged to escape my eyes, but I wouldn't let that happen. "I thought you promised not to do anything stupid?" I whispered.

(Okay so I know it's pretty much impossible to survive if you fall off the cliff unless something happens to you like what happened to Newt, but hey, it seems more exciting.)

Part 4 (hopefully the last chapter) should be up soon!

~ Lily c:

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