He Hits You (Part 2)

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Thomas - "(y/n)... I..." Thomas stuttered, raising his quaking hands towards his face, his eyes glossy. You continued to stare at him with wide, pained eyes as hot tears rapidly rolled down your cheeks and neck. At this moment in time you were speechless, the fact that your boyfriend had just done that made you want to cry even more, but you wanted to be the strong one in this.

You turned your gaze away from him and turned your head as you began to stand up. "I'm going to bed." You rasped, not looking back at him once. Thomas stared at you blankly as you walked away, leaving him alone and as shattered as broken glass. He burried hs face into his hands as he silently sobbed.

You couldn't sleep that night, you'd been lying awake for hours thinking about what was going to happen now. Thomas helped you through everything, he'd always been there for you since the first minute you arrived in the Glade. You were oblivious to how you'd cope without him, but at the same time you were struggling to forgive him.

You sighed as you turned to the right in your bed, your eyes dry and tired. You were shocked to hear the door open behind you, immediately realising it what Thomas; you closed your eyes and pretended to be fast asleep.
"(y/n)..?" He whispered, sounding fairly close to you already. "(y/n)..." You suddenly felt him climbing onto the bed behind you, you frowned with your eyes still shut.

"I know you're mad.." He began hoarsely. "I'm so so sorry, (y/n).. I swear I'll never do that again, I really won't, I'm so sorry.." He repeated the lines over and over again, causing you to slowly open your eyes and stare at him.
"Please forgive me, I love you." The eager boy rasped, stroking your (h/c) hair gently.

"You're a slinthead." You growled. "But I love you too." You giggled as you turned away from him again, he shared a wide smile and wrapped his arms around you, saying nothing. You soon both fell asleep.

Newt - You frowned at the floor blankly, tears trickled down your face yet you ignored them and kept your hand towards your cheek. "Wh-what was that for.." You sniffed, your voice broken and quiet. Newt fell to the floor and slouched in front of you, his eyes welling up with tears. He buried his face into his hands angrily.
"I honestly don't know.."

You watched him sob, tears still pouring out of your eyes like a waterfall, refusing to stop. Newt looked up at you from his hands and looked you dead in the eyes, scaring you slightly. He abruptly leapt out and threw his arms around you, pulling your face into his chest, giving you no time to flinch.
"You have to forgive me! I'm so so sorry, I really am! I don't know what happened.. I just.. I'm really sorry, I really am.." He cried, sobbing violently as he did so, he seemed more shocked than you.

"It's okay." You murmured, your voice muffled as you were pressed up tight against the upset Brit. He smiled shakily despite the tears holding him back and kissed you on the forehead.
"But please loosen your grip, you're suffocating me." You choked in an amused tone, Newt hurriedly let go of you.

"Oh.. Sorry.." He smirked. You pulled him into a slightly less tight hug once again.

Gally - You sat there dazed for a few seconds, your hands gripping tight to the wooden flooring. Gally stepped forward slowly, his eyes widened. "(y/n), I'm--" he softly started, he was soon cut off by you jumping to your feet and storming off, he stood in the same spot, listening to the slam of the door and shaking of the homestead.

You didn't know where to go after that, you didn't even intend to walk away, you simply followed the urge. You began to walk towards the forrest, not caring about being followed, after what happened you didn't think Gally would follow you.

Before you knew it, you could hear footsteps speedily approaching you, getting faster by the second. You turned you head, it was Gally. For some reason he was running after you. You turned back and picked up your pace, walking faster than usual. The louder his footsteps got, the faster you walked, until eventually he reached you and pounced on top of you. You both rolled over the ground in a heap, Gally landed on top of you and looked straight into your eyes, he was already teary.

"(y/n), I didn't mean to do that, it was an accident I swear. I was having a bad time, I didn't mean to take it out on you, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!" The words poured out of his mouth so quickly that you could barely focus on what he was trying to say. He kept talking and talking and talking until eventually you had to end it. You quickly pressed your lips onto his, shutting him up instantly. Once you had finished, he shared a faint smile.

"So do you forgive me.. Or..?" He sarcastically began.

"Shut up, shank." You replied.

And there goes a really long bunch of imagines! I'm sorry about the irrelevant picture by the way, I just really like it.

And as always, I'm open for requests! c:

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