Thomas Imagine: Part 1

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(This is my first full on imagine, so it'll be pretty short, sorry about that.)

Black. Pitch black. That was all I could see as a speedily slipped in and out of conciesness. The floor was shaking like mad, and the walls were hastily scraping against what felt like concrete, I felt as if I was heading up, but I could not be sure; I could barely think.

I finally regained my conciousness, I lifted my head upwards, eyes widened. I still saw nothing, darkness surrounded me in a tight embrace, I could hardly breathe. The unsteady breaths got harder as the place I was in suddenly stopped to a halt, making me dive forward slightly. I layed on the ground, staring at my hands, wait.. 'my'? Who was I? The thought struck me like a bullet, I did not know who I was, what I looked like, anything.

The ceiling above me abruptly opened, allowing the blinding sunlight to pour in, causing me to shield my face with my arm. When my eyes finally ajusted, I looked up in a hurry, curious to see where I was. Before I could take in my surroundings, another being jumped into the box I was in, and scanned me from head to toe. I looked in their direction, doing the same to them. It was a male, about my age by the looks of it. He had scraggy chocolate hair, covering his forehead, his eyes were a deep brown, almost maroon from the sunlight. I was surprised to see him grin at me, he stretched out his hand towards me, as if he wanted to help me up.

"Another girl?" A voice murmered in the background, in a dis-satisfyed tone. The boy looked directly into my eyes, causing me to shudder slightly, who was he? I must admit, he was pretty attractive.

"Hey. Are you coming or what?" he calmly demanded, widening his palm a little more. I reached out my quivering hand to his, grabbing it in a tight grip as he gently pulled me up to my feet.

"Who are you? Where.. Where am I?" I stuttered, the worlds flowing out of my mouth like water, only then did I notice the others in the background. A crowd of boys, with their eyes facing me. What was it? Did I have something in my hair? A series of whispers hummed throughout them before the boy who helped me up raised his hand, the others hushed instantly.

"Welcome to the Glade. I'm Thomas, you're safe here, don't worry." I swallowed thickly as I looked around me, I was in a grassy plain, huts were spread accross the area, and cattle were graziing along with them. I jumped as i saw a colossal concrete wall surrounding the plains, I felt closed in like a caged animal. This wasn't right.

"It's late, Thomas. You can show her around today." Another boy spoke, in a clear, English accent. This wasn't Britain, was it? I couldn't remember anything, it could of been for all I know. I turned back to Thomas, who was nodding at the Brit. He nudged my shoulder as he motioned for me to follow him. I obeyed and began to pace behind him, nervously messing with my hair as I tried to take in what was going on.

"So, can you remember your name, greenie?" He smiled, looking forward as he walked. My name, what was my name? I stopped walking for a moment as I paused for thought. How could I not remember my own name? Aha! (Y/N)!

"I'm (Y/N).. I- I think.." I muttered, staring at my feet with curiousity. The boy nodded, giving me a reasurring pat on the shoulder.

"It's okay, I couldn't remember anything when I first got here, too. You'll get used to it, I promise.' His statement calmed me down almost instantly, he seemed truthful enough. I forced a quick smile back, which faded soon after. I continued to follow the eager Thomas as he pointed out various important areas and people, I took in the information as much as I could, I needed to get out, so I had to learn as much as I could.

"(Y/N), it's getting too late to be showing you araound. I think youv'e seen enough for the day. Let me show you where we rest." I was hoping he'd say that, I was so fatigued, I could hardly speak. I followed him to a more cosier looking hut full of emtpy hammocks and raggy beds.

"Choose one, that'll be your bed for the forceable future." he pointed at the beds and I did as he said. I walked towards a hammock, and took my shoes off, placing them carefully beside it as I sat down. So now I was spening the night? I still wondered if I was in a dream or not, but considering I couldn't remember anything other than my name, it didnt seem likley. I was just glad that I'd met such a calm, reliable person. He seemed like a nice guy, anyway.

I layed my head down, not thinking twice about my comfort. I just wanted to sleep, and hoped I'd wake up somewhere less peculiar. Somewhere safe.

I'm very sorry about any spelling mistakes or weird typos, I type fast on my computer and I'm pretty bad at finding mistakes. So anyway, here's the first part of the imagine, hope y'all like it! c:

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