Minho imagine: Part 2

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Minho stared at me in shock as he exhaled deeply, his head drooping slightly. This was it. We were trapped in the maze, there was no chance of getting out now, shank. I felt tears welling up behind my eyes threatening to come out, yet I held them back; crying would only make this worse.

Minho sighed, faintly punching the ground in frustration, he seemed agitated when really he was probably scared to death. "(Y/N)," he pursed his lips as he looked me dead in the eyes, I predicted he was about to yell.
"Shank. Come here." He stretched out his muscular arms, offering me a hug, I took my chances and shuffled towards him, entering his trembling yet comforting embrace. "This is my fault, I'm sorry," he sniffed. "That shuck face Thomas should of dragged you with him, now we're both in this mess. I'm.. I'm so sorry." I shook my head as I buried my face deeper into his shoulder.

"We'll get through this, I promise." My voice muffled, in a high pitch. I wasn't hopeful, not at all. But I needed Minho to be safe, I caused this, anyway. We both jumped at horrifying screams and shrieks echoing in the distance.

"Great." Minho murmured, scanning our whereabouts thoroughly. I raised my head, the best thought had entered my brain like a bullet at high speed.

"I know," I began, immediately catching Minho's attention. He gazed at my mouth to show he was listening.
"Why don't we just climb somewhere really high up and stay silent all night?" I was proud of my idea at first, but then looked to the ground in disappointment as I realised it was not actually as smart as I thought.

A moment of silence passed, before Minho gradually began to nod.
"Yeah, that could actually work!" He turned around and pointed to a wall, around 11 metres high and plastered in thick green ivy. "If we climb up there, we might actually have a chance." We both exchanged smiles before I scrambled to my feet.

"Oh shuck, I forgot about your ankle, is it okay?" I calmly demanded, faintly frowning.

"Ah, little help, please?" He requested, I immediately grabbed his arm and helped him to his feet, he stepped forward with a limp as he scanned the wall further.

"We should probably go now."


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