Newt x (Suicidal) Reader: part 2

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(Requested by Kahlerkid)
A couple of hours had passed since me and Minho had returned from running, the walls had shut and the usual evening routine was taking place. Most boys were around the campfire, a celebration wasn't taking place tonight so most people just sat around it and chilled. Whilst they did that, me, Newt, Thomas and Chuck would sit a bit further away from all the noise and commotion, but close enough to receive some of the heat.

"So where'd ya wonder off to ealier on, (y/n)?" Minho messily asked, accidentaly spitting out some of the food he was eating. He'd always stuff his face with about anyhing he could find after running for the day, however I didn't usually have a very big appetite so I stuck to nothing.

"Oh, just to look around, i'm still getting used to being a runner and all that." I replied weakly, still half emerged in my thoughts. Newt and Minho exchanged suspicious looks, obviously knowing that that wasn't exactly right.

"You shouldn't wonder off in the Maze, (y/n), you never know what could happen if you get lost.." Chuck exaggerated, his words muffles slightly by what he was eating. I scoffed slightly, finally coming back from my thoughts as I turned my gaze to Chuck.

"I won't get lost. I know my way now, I've memorised it.. Kind of.." Minho and Thomas chuckled under their breaths slightly, lowering my mood slightly and making me feel kinda underestimated. "Rude." I slyly chuckled, giving a fake glare to the two boys and noticing how Newt looked at me with sympathy instead of amusement. A small comforting smile on his face spoke "they're not funny and I think you're right".

"Sorry (y/n), but you would most definitely get lost if you weren't with one of us, so don't be getting any ideas," Thomas implied. "We go to the maze to search for the way out, not to wander around aimlessly."

"I think that's enough, Tommy." Newt nudged his shoulder, knowing that this lecturing was getting to me quite easily.

"Sorry (y/n)" Thomas smiled, pulling an innocent face that I often found hard to not forgive. I decided that it was getting late and thought it was best to rest and ready for the next day. After saying goodnight to everyone, I began to walk to where my bed was, trying my best to avoid Gally who had just made eye contact with me.

He stood up and began to approach me. Oh shuck, this wasn't going to be good. As I remained looking at the ground as I walked, I felt his presence sneak to the side of me, and before I knew it, I'd tripped and fallen over his foot that he purposely stuck in front of me. I fell to my stomach and knees with a squeal, I could make out a small hum of laughter that soon grew as the seconds dragged.

I got the feeling again that haunted me since day one. The feeling that I was unwanted, underestimated, the feeling that made me want to lie down all day and cry, the feeling that made me feel like everyone would be happier if I was gone.

I slowly returned to my feet and held back my tears as I walked faster to my room, afraid to stop of turn around in case of further bullying.

***Third person pov***

Newt angrily got up from his seat despite Thomas, Minho and Chuck telling him to leave it. He stormed over to Gally, who was still going over what just happened as if it was the funniest thing that anyone could of ever seen.

"What the shuck, Gally?" Newt spat, pushing Gally's shoulders angrily, but not hard enough to start a fight. "What the hell was that for? You're such a bloody inconsiderate, sexist little slint head, you know that?" The angry Brit began to jog over to (y/n)'s room, leaving Gally and the surrounding boys sat speechless and awkward.

***Newt's pov***

Yes, I admit I probably shouldn't of spoken like that to Gally, but the big headed shuck face had it coming. I rushed to where (y/n) had gone, I didn't want to allow her to do anything stupid. I knew that she got upset easily, and I knew that in a way she was like me. I couldn't bare seeing her in this state, her mood had gone downfall since a few months back when everyone started bullying her for simply being a girl.

I could only hear silence from behind her door, for some reason I was scared to open it, I was afraid of what to say, I don't know how to give support? What am I bloody doing? My feelings for her got the better of me. I opened the door calmly.

"(y/n)? You in here?" I softly asked, my eyes focusing on a figure sat in the middle of her bed.

"Yeah." She silently replied, her innocent voice muffled, probably to stop her from crying. I slowly made my way to her, making sure my path was clear as the room was quite dark.

"I saw what happened, are you okay?" I asked, instantly regretting that. Of course she wasn't. The poor girl had everyone at her ankles since the day she got here. Before I had the time to take it back, she burst into tears, slowly raising her hands to her face. I quickly pulled her into a tight hug, feeling her relax slightly.

"I don't want to be here," she sobbed into my shoulder, her posture slightly shaky. "I really really don't want to be here." 

"Please, (y/n), just don't do anything stupid."

This went awful I'm so sorry, I think there should be another two chapters, maybe 3, but most likely 2.

~ Lily c:

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