Chapter Eightteen

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Evelyn's pov

I'm standing in Liam's room, looking into his closet at my clothes. Liam is taking a shower and I have no idea what to wear to school. It's my first day back after a week and I don't want people to see I'm hurting or anything.
'Can't choose?'  I turn around and see Liam with just a towel on his hip. Shirtless. Still a bit wet. Hair wet and dripping. Oh god. I snap out of it and nod. He smirks at my reaction to him and walks to his closet. He takes out a dress and a denim jacket thing.
'Here, wear this. And I like that I have this effect on you' he says, still smirking. I roll my eyes and want to walk away. He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. He kisses me. I smile and pull away. I walk into his bathroom to change. I put on my clothes a long with black earrings. I walk back into Liam's room to see he is dressed as well. I grab my bag and my phone. We walk downstairs together. Karen already left for work. She always works early. Liam makes me a sandwich and we then walk to the car. I'm nervous to go back to school and to see Tyler, Danielle and Thom at school. Sometimes I think I should've taken Liam's offer to run away, but I guess they still would've hurt my parents. Or maybe not. When I told Gina it wasn't her fault, I never thought it actually would be mine.
'Babe ?' I snap out of my thought and look at Liam.
'Are you okay?'  I nod and look outside. I hear Liam sigh. He puts the car on the side of the road and I look at him again.
'Look, I know you're hurt. You lost your parents. I get that. But you don't have to shut me out. I'm trying to help you and all you do is say you're fine or not even listen at all. You just stare everywhere and you won't even look at me anymore. This morning was the first time in like forever you look at me without talking to me. It's hard for me to see you like this okay ! It's hard because I know I can't do anything. But you don't have to do this to me' he seems frustrated. I immediately feel guilt. I didn't even realize I was doing that.
'I'm so sorry Liam ! I didn't realize it. You're right, I shouldn't do that to you, I know you're just helping. And I love that you're helping me. You don't deserve me doing this to you' Liam nods. He leans over and kisses me softly. I smile when he pulls back. He starts driving again and looks at the road. I look outside again and wait till we're at school.

Liam parks the car and gets out. I grab my bag and wait till Liam opens the door for me. Everyone turns to look though. They still do everday. But I have gotten used to it. Liam opens the door and I get out. He grabs my hand and we walk inside school. Eleanor, Cassie and Amy are standing at my locker. I hug them all. I look around and everyone looks at me. This is going to be a long day.

We're having lunch with our group. Apparently, Cassie told Mason about her problem and Mason told her he loves her. So now they're dating and Cassie and him are having a baby. I haven't seen Tyler, Danielle or Thom around. Maybe they stopped going to school. Or they are making me think they did.
'Babe, stop thinking so hard. What's wrong?'  Liam asks. I just look at him. He knows what I'm thinking off. He just nods and grabs my hand. Cassie stands up and goes to the bathroom. I get up and walk after her. Before I walk in, I hear a loud scream and a loud noise. My eyes widen and I run inside. I see Danielle standing over Cassie, blood on the floor. I push Danielle away from her and sit down next to Cassie. She is crying and screaming.
'IT HURTS' she yells. Danielle smirks and walks out. I grab my phone and text Eleanor. After a few minutes, she, Amy and Mason come running in the bathroom.
'She needs to go to an hospital, NOW!' Mason yells. We all try to get her up, but Mason just lifts her up. We run to Mason's car and put her in. Amy goes with them and Niall and Eleanor go with Liam and me in Liam's car. Liam races after Mason to the hospital.

We run in after Mason. They get Cassie a room.
'Sorry, you can't come in, we are going to do tests' we nod and sit down in the waiting room. I can't believe they're going after Cassie now to. What did she do ? Are they really going after everyone I care about ? Off course, my phone buzzes.

Hello princess.

We got tired of just torturing you, so we just turned to the whole group. You should tell everyone to watch their back. It will be a blast seeing everyone get hurt. Have fun in the hospital !


I show Liam the text. He frowns.
'So they want us all?' I nod. Everyone looks up.
'They want to hurt us all, so you all can't just protect me, but have to watch yourself as well. We're just going to have to be carefull I guess' they all nod and just wait till a doctor comes.

After 20 minutes, a doctor comes out.
'Are you all here for Cassie?' we all nod.
'Well, I don't know what happened, I just know the results. We did a few tests and found out Cassie was pregnant. But because of what happened, I'm afraid the baby didn't make it. The baby died. That was the blood on the floor what you found. I'm sorry'


Okay, so two chapters to get it started again ! I know it's not really good, but I have to get into it again.

Thank you for reading !

xx Pascalle

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