Chapter Thirty

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Evelyn's pov

I walk into the cafeteria with Eleanor and Amber. 

"Where should we sit?" Eleanor asks. 

"I don't know, maybe we could sit with Liam's friends. I want you guys to get to know him and maybe the boys could be friends" I say. Amber looks at Eleanor and Eleanor sighs. 

"Fine, I'll text Lou" she says. I smile and nod. I look around the room and see Liam. He smiles at me when he sees me. I start walking towards him and I feel Eleanor and Amber following me. I reach Liam and kiss him softly. I feel him smile into the kiss. 

"Can we all sit with you guys?" I ask after pulling away from Liam. He looks around and everyone seems fine with that. We all sit down and the boys soon arrive as well. We all sit around the table. It kind of looks like this :

Cassie - Mason - Niall - Amy - Amber - Harry

Danielle - Tyler - Liam - Me - Eleanor - Louis

We all talk and eat. 

"Evelyn, do you think we should go shopping with all the girls sometime?" Amy then asks. I smile. 

"Yea, that'd be great. What about this weekend?" I ask. Everyone agrees. I look around the table. This time, there are some differences than in my dream. This time, Danielle, Tyler, Louis, Harry and Amber are here as well. It's a lot bussier. But I like it. I like that for once, it's drama free. For once, I don't have to worry about my life. 

"Babe, do you wanna eat at my place tonight ? My mum's been asking about you" Liam asks me. I look at him and smile.

"Yea sure, I'll just text my mum later" Liam nods. 

"You know, we're having a party this saterday, you all can come to if you want to" Cassie says. I look at the others and they all seem to want to go. 

"We can shop for outfits saterday afternoon" Eleanor says with a huge smile. Eleanor and shopping, two things that shouldn't be used in the same sentence. But the girls seem to agree to this plan, so I give in as well. The girls and I end up talking the entire lunch break about shopping and the party. I'm so glad we get along. I mean, I want to have the friendship with Amy and Cassie, like I had in my dream. I want it to be like that. Because, beside being chased and all, I was happy with the people around me. 

Later that day, Liam and I are on our way to his house. 

"I like that you're getting along with my friends" he says. I giggle. 

"Yea, they're really nice" 

"So, are you going to tell me what was up with you this morning?" he asks. Shit, I already forgot about that. How am I going to explain my dream ?

"Are you ready? I mean, it's weird and I'm not sure if you should know" I say.

"Yes, I want to know, Eve" he says. I take a deep breath.

"Okay, so I dreamt weird. It all started with us meeting, which also happened in my dream. Everything went the same as in real life, until I met Thom. He wanted to get back at you or something, so he started going after me and hurting me. He also wanted to hurt my friends, so Amber, Harry and Louis stopped being friends with me, just Eleanor stayed with me. Then, when things got more out of control, Danielle and Tyler started helping Thom. They started doing everything they could in ordor to hurt me and you. At one point, Cassie and Mason started dating and Cassie got pregnant and Danielle killed their baby. Then, like a million years later, we decided it was best to get away. We left and went away. Later we got a picture sent to us of Amber, who was dead. We went back and called the police and they arrested Danielle and Tyler and Thom was dead. So, then like after a year, I turned out to be pregnant with your baby and at this point Tyler and Danielle were still in prison. So, at that point, Louis and Eleanor got back together and we were friends with Harry. Oh, almost forgot, Thom kind of raped me and Cassie, but moving on. We went to Eleanor and Louis' engagement party and told everyone. I guess Danielle found out in prison and escaped. She treathened me. We went to the doctors  to find out the sex of our baby and then Danielle showed up. She ended up shooting me in the stomach, so the baby died, I lived. After a while of not going really great, you decided it was a great idea to go on vacation, which it was, but in my dream I flipped and screamed I wanted revenge on Danielle for killing our baby. It was a boy by the way. And then, at that moment, Danielle walked in and killed you, and your mum. Oh, Thom killed my parents as well. Right, back to where we were. I freaked out because we were fighting and I couldn't tell you I loved you and then Danielle killed me as well and then I woke up" I say. Liam's eyes were wide. Oh god. 

"You dreamt all of that?" he asks, softly. I nod. I can't believe I told him all of that. I mean, how is he ever going to look the same at me. I wouldn't look at Liam the same if he dreamt about someone killing me and my mum. And a baby that never existed. 

"Eve?" I look at him. He has blood on his head. 

"It wasn't a dream" There was a loud crash and everything turned white again.

My eyes shot open. Everything was white. I couldn't see anything. Where the hell am I? Was I having another dream ? 

"Oh god, I think she's waking up" I hear someone say. I can only hear things, I can't see anything, though. It annoys me. 

"Evelyn, can you hear us?" someone asks. Can I talk ? I don't know.

"I see her lips moving, but she isn't saying anything" 

"We should give her some time. She's been out for a long time. How can her body respond to those things ?"

"I'm awake" I feel myself saying.

"Eve?!" The white slowly fades. I see faces. Five faces to be exact. I don't really recognize them, but when every white part is gone, I see who they are. 

Amy, Cassie, Eleanor, Louis and Niall. Mason isn't there, and Amber and Harry aren't either. And most importantly, Liam isn't there either.

"Where's Liam?" I ask, straight away. Everyone looks at each other, but no one is saying anything.

"Where. Is. Liam?" I ask once more. I see Niall opening his mouth.

"Liam is dead, Eve" 


I'm like, pure evil, aren't I? 

I don't know why I keep changing the plot, but this idea came up while writing. I just want to keep making it interesting and I want to keep you guys happy with reading the chapters.

I got 12k reads ! I was so happy when I saw that !!

THANK YOUUUUUUU <3 I love you all <3

I hope you forgive me for this ;) you'll never know what'll happen, anyway ;)

xxxxxx Pascalle <3

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