Chapter Thirty - One

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Evelyn's pov

I look at the people around me with shock in my eyes. 

"No, dumbass" Cassie starts. I frown. 

"He's not dead. He's in coma, he hasn't woken up since you were brought in" Cassie says. I nod slowly.

"He's not dead?" I ask, just to be sure. 

"Liam's not dead" Cassie says. I nod and lay my head down on the pillow.

"I'm sorry, it's just, he was brought in dead, they got his heartbeat up again, but hasn't woken up and I just didn't want it to come out like that" Niall says. I look at him and smile.

"It's okay, Niall. But can someone tell me what happened?" I ask.

"Well, Karen told us that Danielle came into your house, shot both Liam and Karen before shooting you. Karen was only shot in her leg, so she fought Danielle down when she was looking at you, grabbed the gun and shot her. Danielle is dead. Karen is in the hospital, but is okay. Karen called 911 after that. She isn't being prosessed, because they see it as self-defence" Amy says. I nod and smile.

"Danielle's dead?" I ask. They all nod.

"I'm sorry for asking everything twice guys, it just, it feels like all a dream" I say, remembering my dreams. So, the whole thing wasn't a dream, I just re-lived everything, I guess. I sigh. 

"Ah, you're awake" someone says. I look up and see a doctor.

"Hello, I'm doctor Smith" he says and I shake his hand.

"Do you have anything on Liam?" I ask. He shakes his head. 

"Let's talk about you first" he starts.

"You were shot in your stomach and you were in a coma for 3 weeks. You're going to be alright, though, which is the good news of the day. You seem alright, but we're keeping you here for a few more days, till we know for 100% sure that you're okay. Any questions?" he asks.

"Yea, how's Liam doing?" I ask. I hear Eleanor giggling. To soon El....

"He's okay, I guess. There aren't any chances. He's just in a coma since he was brought in and brought back his heartbeat. But the good news is that it doesn't seem like he is dying again. We just don't know when he'll wake up and in what state he'll be" the doctor says. I nod. 

"Can I see Karen ? I thought she was dead as well" I say. 

"Well, she isn't. I'll go get her" the doctor says and walks out. 

"We'll leave you two alone" Cassie says and leads everyone out, leaving me alone for a few minutes. I lay my head down. Liam better wake up soon. I can't live without him. And I know for a fact that Karen can't live without him either. Just then, I hear something and I look up. It's Karen, in a wheelchair. She smiles.

"Hey honey" she starts. I feel myself tearing up, which makes Karen tear up as well. 

"How are you?" I ask her, when she's next to my bed. 

"I'm alright, I just missed you" she says. I smile. God, I love that woman.

"What happened?" I ask her, knowing that she can tell me a better version that I just got.

"So, Danielle came in and shot Liam. While you were with him, I was getting shot by Danielle. I pretended that I was dead, so she's leave me alone. I was bleeding a lot, so that helped. And then she got to you and shot you in your stomach, again. I grabbed her from behind and punched her in the head with a baseball bat. I had no idea we even had one, but I saw one laying under the stairs. Anyway, she dropped the gun and I quickly took it, shooting her in the head, but not before I rolled her over so she could look me in the eyes. She had tears in them. She begged me not to shoot. She said ; "Please, I'll do anything" and I said that she should bring my grandson and my Liam back, but she couldn't off course, so I shot her. Then I called 911 and said that they should bring more ambulances. I layed down in between you and Liam. I felt that Liam's pulse was weak, like, almost gone. Yours was there, but you couldn't response anymore. You just gave shock's every once in a while. The ambulances came and by that time Liam's pulse was gone and they helped him. Your pulse was getting weaker as you were losing a lot of blood. At one point, it was gone, but was quickly back again. But right as yours came back, Liam's came back as well. Like it was meant to be or something. Well that's the story, I guess" Karen explains. 

"God, that's a lot. Are you sure you're okay?" I ask. She nods slowly. 

"I'm just glad you're both alive" she says. I nod. 

"Liam just needs to wake up" I say. Karen nods. 

"He will, we just need to have some faith. I'm sure he'll be alright" she says. I nod. 

"I thought it was all a dream" I mumble, but Karen heard. She puts her hand in mine.

"I wish it was honey" I feel a tear slip from my eyes.

"Good news, it's all over. Danielle and Thom are both dead. They can't hurt you anymore. When you're out of here, we're all going on vacation, what about that?" I smile and whipe my tears away.

"That'd be great. Maybe the others can come as well, they had a rough time as well" I say. Karen nods. I see the door open and I see Mason's face.

"I'm sorry to interupt, I just wanted to see you, Eve" he says. I smile. 

"That's okay, the others can come in to as well" Karen says. Mason smiles and opens the door more and then walks over to me and hugs me. 

"We missed you, Eve" he says. 

"Thank you" I say. Amy holds up a bag.

"No way" I say. She smiles.

"Yes, I got you KFC" she says while smiling.

"O my god,  I love you" I say. She chuckles and hands the chicken to me. I begin to eat immediately.

"See, I knew it" Amy says. They all laugh at me. I look around the room with a smile, while eating my chicken. Now, all we need, is Liam.


So, he isn't dead ! We can all breath out that breath we were holding, cause he's alive. 

Hope you're still into this story, cause I'm planning on making it a bit longer.

When I was writing and I was around chapter sixteen, I never thought I'd get to chapter Thirty-something. It's amazing ! 

And I want to thank all of you who are reading and voting and who are leaving the best comments and the nicest things to say ! I love you for that ! 

Also, thanks for the people who are like so into the story, I love reading your comments, so keep doing that ! 

I love you all,

xxxx Pascalle <3 

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