Chapter Eight

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- Evelyn

I am walking through school after my first class, which I had alone. Amber is sick so I had to sit alone. Tonight is the night that Liam and his mum are coming for dinner, and it's all I've been thinking about. Mostly because I'm scared of things my parents will say. 

"Hey!" I hear a voice shout. I quickly turn my head and see Eleanor. 

"Oh, hi" I say and hug her. 

"How are you?" she asks me. 

"I'm fine you?"

"I'm fine as well. So, is there a reason why people have been looking weirdly at me?" she asks. I frown. 

"I have no idea, they do it with me as well" 

"Yea, but that's because you're dating Liam Payne hun" she says. I sigh. Right. Just then, someone walks up to me. 

"Hi, you must be Evelyn?" she asks. I frown again and nod. 

"And you are?" she looks at Eleanor. 

"I'm Eleanor" Eleanor says in her cute voice. 

"Okay whatever. Anyway, I wanna ask you if you're gonna sit with us with lunch. I'm one of Liam's friends" she says. 

"Uhm, I don't know, I think I'm just gonna sit with my friends" I say. 

"Well, since you're dating Liam and we're his friends, we're your friends as well" the girl says. I just nod. 

"I just don't know you so" I say. 

"Leave her alone Cassie" I hear Liam's voice say. He appears from behind us and stands next to me. 

"I just asked if she was joining us with lunch" Cassie says. 

"She won't" Liam then says. I frown and Eleanor does the same. I turn to Liam. 

"And why wouldn't I?" I ask him. 

"Because we're sitting with your friends" he says, without looking at me. 

"That's something I'll decide on my own" I say. This time, Liam does look at me. He has an annoyed expression on his face. 

"We'll join you guys" I say to Cassie. She smiles and nods. 

"Great, see you later then" she says and walks away. Liam turns to me. 

"Why do you wanna sit with them?" he asks me. He looks quite mad. 

"Because they're your friends and I wanna get to know them" I say. 

"Uhm Eve, we've got to go to class now" Eleanor says softly. I nod. 

"See you at lunch" I say to Liam and turn away, walking with Eleanor. 

"Jeez, that was weird" she mumbles. 

"I know right, I didn't know he was gonna make this huge deal out of it" I say. She nods. 

"Good luck though" Eleanor says and giggles, making me smile too.

It is lunch time and I'm looking for Liam, with my lunch in my hands. I already see Liam's friends, well, I see Niall and Cassie and some other people. Just then, Cassie sees me to and waves me over. I look around for Liam, but I can't see him, so I just walk over there. 

"Hi Evelyn!" Cassie says, all excited when she sees me. She moves a bit so there is space for me. There are two other girls and 2 other boys. And Niall. I smile and sit down. 

"Guys, this is Evelyn, Liam's girlfriend. Evelyn, this are Niall, Amy, Danielle, Tyler and Mason" Cassie says. I smile and say hello to them, them returning it. I used to think these were awfull people, but they seem really nice. 

"I love your hair" Amy suddenly says, looking at me. I braided is in a dutch braid. 

"Thank you" I smile. 

"Did you do it yourself?" she asks. I nod. 

"Really ? Can you do my hair sometime?" she asks. I'm taken aback by that. But then I smile. 

"Yea sure" she smiles. 

"Thanks" I nod. 

"Where's Liam?" Niall then asks. 

"I don't know, I was looking for him, but I couldn't find him" he nods. Just then, Liam walks up to us. 

"Hey" he says. Everyone says hi to him. Then he turns to me. He sits down next to me. I smile at him. He sighs. 

"Hey babe" he says and kisses my lips softly. 

"Didn't know you could be cute Li" Danielle says. The others laugh and Liam just shoots her a glare. 

"Were they nice to you?" Liam asks me. 

"Yea, they were, don't worry" I say. Liam nods. 

"She's gonna do my hair" Amy says with a smile. I already like her. 

"Good for you" Liam says. Then he just starts talking with Niall, Tyler and Mason, while Cassie turns to Amy and Danielle. I just sit there, kinda listening. When I'm done eating, I stand up and throw my food away, then walk back. 

"O my god. I just noticed what amazing heels you're wearing" Cassie says when I sit back down. I look down. They're black, but kinda high. They also have a zipper at the back. 

"Thank you, they're new" I smile. 

"Wish they were mine" Amy says with a smile. Danielle just smiles. 

"What class do you have next?" Cassie asks me. 

"Biology" I say and groan a bit. 

"Oh, me too, I've never seen you in class before" Amy says. 

"I sit all the way in the back, usually" she nods. 

"We could sit together today" she asks. I nod. 

"That would be great" she smiles and throws her food away as well, just as the bell rings. I grab my stuff and Liam kisses me. 

"I see you at your locker" he says and I nod. Then I walk away with Amy. 

We sit down in class in the back. 

"Did you like lunch ? I heard from Cassie that you were unsure when she asked you" Amy asks when the teacher isn't here yet. 

"Yea I did. I was a bit scared you wouldn't like me and be rude towards me or something" Amy smiles. 

"Why wouldn't we like you? We pretend to be these badass people, but we're not really. The only ones that aren't that not-badass are Danielle and Tyler. They're dating and they sometimes tend to be a bit rude. But I like another girl in our group" Amy says. 

"I like being in your group" I say. Amy giggles. She is this really tiny girl. 

"So, do you have any plans with Liam after school that he is waiting at your locker?" Amy asks. 

"He and his mum are eating dinner at my place, he usually brings me home" Amy nods. 

"We've never seen him like this. He really cares about you" she says. 

"And I care about him" I say and she nods. Then the guy that slapped my bum yesterday walks in and he smirks at me, sitting down in front of the class. Amy frowns and turns towards me. 

"What was that?" she asks. 

"He warned me for Liam yesterday, after slapping my bum and being really creepy" I say. 

"Stay away from him" Amy says. 

"Why ? Not that I want to be near him" 

"He is trouble. He used to be a friend of us, but he choose to do things differently" Amy says and turns towards the teacher when she walks in. I frown. Trouble. That just made me scared. 


Hiii :) 

Hope you like the chapter :D 

Heels on the side ! 

xxx Pascalle <3 

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