"no Josh no!" I screamed as Luke undid my handcuffs. I ran towards Josh, pushing Jade off of him. He just smiled up at me.
"ugh, your breath reeks." he laughed, I just smiled, backing off a little.
"oi dick head, your the one who's being a drama Queen here. " I said, gesturing to his stomach. He winced in pain, as if I had reminded him of it.
" I'm gonna die Kate. "
" I know"
" I'm gonna die, and leave you here and I'm sorry. I'm meant to be your leader." he said, a dressing the whole group " You're gonna be fine. You are gonna beat this world, I know you will. You are smart and you are strong and you are so brave. You gotta do what's right. You promise me you'll always do what's right. It's so easy to do the wrong thing in this world. So if it feels wrong, don't do it, all right? If it feels easy, don't do it. Don't let the world swallow you." he started chokeing up at the end.
"bitch please" Jade laughed though her tears "you just quoted the walking dead"
"yeah! " Luke laughed, " get your own death speech, leave loris alone"
"fine, " Josh said, taking a deep breath, he was struggling to breath now. " peace out mother duckers! "
" wow " I said" just wow" I looked up shaking my head, but when I looked back, his chest had stopped moving and his eyes had closed. He was gone.
I saw Luke put his arm around Jade. I jumped up, storming over to my sister, seeing red. I grabbed her by the collar, lifting her up.
"we're going" I shouted, heading for the door.
"I can't allow that. "I looked up to see beth and Morgan blocking the door
Oh hell no
End of the road
مغامرةThis is my story about a zombie apocolpse. i know it looks like i write alot of chapters, but they are very short.