~Chapter 23~

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{Will's POV}

"I dont understand why would you do that to her!" Jordan growled at me through the phone.

"I didn't do it!" I snapped back.

"Oh please! She said she saw you kissing her" He replied.

"And she didn't see the full story" I leaned on the head of my bed.

"She doesn't need to!" He scoffed. "Listen she's really hurt an-"

"No. You listen, You don't think I know she's hurt? It hurts me too and a lot, she's my world my sun my moon and everything between them." 

"Doesn't seem like it" He chewed on his gum.

"okay, first of all shut up, because you have no facts on this." 

"She told me" He sounded angered.

"And she doesn't know the full story" I was full of anger at this point.

"Alright then, tell me this story of yours" He had a tone full of confidence, thinking I don't actually have one.

"When she pulled up she saw Jaidyn kissing me, I wasn't kissing back she had me forced. She came over started flirting with me to ruin our relationship. Thats what she was trying to do, so once she saw that I was committed to her she looked desperate and mad. She then saw her in the uber and kissed me by force" I explained.

"Why didn't you pull away idiot?" He asked me angry.

"SHE HAD ME FORCED! I TRIED JORDAN, I TRIED. What part of force don't you get you dip head." I scoff.

He stayed quiet for a while.

"You really don't get it do you?" I ask him.

"Get what?" He responded.

"I love her! I would never do that!" I got up from bed and went outside to the padio.

"Then go and talk to her" He said with a voice crack.

"Im already there" I ran to her house.


{Jordan's POV}

Week before

"JORDAN!" She jumped on me as I played Minecraft.

"Dude chill!" I chuckled.

"You have no more food in your fridge" She got off me.

"Glad your feeling better" I smile and stick my tongue out at her.

She returns the favor and jumps on the bed. She came over to my hotel room to visit. I leave in two weeks. Its been exactly a week since Will cheated on her, glad she's ok now.

"I was thinking we could have a walk out in the park since its late October, its really pretty in late fall." She smiled.

"Sure!" I smile.

We grab our jumpers and head out. We arrive at the central park, and i am not surprised, she's right everything is so beautiful, leaves on the ground make it look very nice. 

"Wow" I stay stunned.

"I know right!" I chuckled. "Lets sit"

She directed me to a park bench.

"Its lovely here passion" I smiled to her. How badly I wanted to kiss her.

"I always love coming here" She looked at me.

I wanted to lean in and I guess I did a little because she immediately looked away. I sat back. Why am I so dumb

The wind blew harshly and rain clouds filled the once nice light blue sky. Thunder roared, interrupting my thoughts.

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