~Chapter 36~

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I run after him. Panting after each step, he had ran all the way to his house thats a lot for me to keep up with. I run onto his lawn as he closes his door.

"WILL!" I shout to him. 

I run to his door and open it, he didn't lock it great. I walk in and run up the stairs and into his room. I look around and he's not there.

"Will?" I call out for him. 

I hear the shower turn on. I quickly turn my head to the spawn of the noise. I run over to the bathroom door. As I get closer I hear slight sobs and sniffles.

"WILL!" I bang on the door.

"WILL OPEN THE DOOR!" I grab the knob and twist it as its locked.

"WILL! I SAID OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR" I kick the door with my knee and bang on it with my hands.


Tears roll down my cheeks as I can only imagine what he'd do.

"WILL I KNOW YOU'RE NOT IN THE SHOWER PLEASE! OPEN THE DOOR!" I press my back against the door.

I close my eyes and try to calm my self down. I hear his sobs turn clearer.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" I return to my loud banging. I take a step back and look around. I run to his closet and open the door. I take out what looks like a large club, why he has this in there I don't know, but I'm glad he does.

I run to the door with the large wooden stick in my hand and hurry to knock it against the knob breaking it and the lock on hit. Once I'm successful. I throw it on the ground and open the door. Steam comes out of the room, allowing me not to see. I enter rapidly but slow down as I feel the floor slightly wet, and then a puddle. Soon that puddle turns into a lake of water flowing from the tub. The steam and the bathroom humidity makes my hair turn damp and soon wet after I pass by the open shower door pouring water onto me. I see in the corner a crouched down will, fully clothed thankfully

I hear his sobbing continue as I rush over at him.


I rap my arms around his waist.

"Give me a reason why  I shouldn't." He cried.

"BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT GIVING ME A REASON TOO" I squeezed him tighter. I buried my face in his wet back. He put his hands up to mine. He leaned down and kissed them softly. i let out small sobs as he did so. I longed for those kisses from someone. The pain I've been through after we split. It wasn't nice for me. I didn't care if I didn't have feelings for him anymore, or if I liked Daniel. I needed those kisses, besides he doesn't like me that way either, they're just friendly kisses. Right?

I closed my eyes shut and hugged him tighter. I hear foot steps come from behind me. I still don't open them. There could be a serial killer behind me and I wouldn't care. Im with Will.

"We gotta get you guys cleaned up" Greysons voice echoed through my brian.


I open my eyes slowly. I get up and feel my clothes and hair wet. After taking a look around I see Will laying next to me his arms around me. A smile forms on my face. I look up to see Greyson starring at me, eyebrows cocked.

"What..." I speak softly

He points to Will and then makes a heart with his fingers. After that his fingers point to me.

"Likes me?" I cock an eyebrow.

He nods and leans back in wills desk chair. I nod my head in disagreement.

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