~Chapter 50~

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I woke up to my alarm clock blasting, I fell over and crawled to the shower and quickly got ready or els I would be very late to work. I hurried along and finished in time and took my skateboard and went all the way to the cafe. I actually felt happy today but still a little saddened. I went in and started making coffee. A tall boy walked in with dark hair that fell just below his eyes with a beanie. He had a nice jumper that fit him well and slightly bigger. He took a seat in the far back corner and took out his book and read. He then got up after I took a few orders and waited in line. 

"Hi how can I help you, my name's Passion" I said politely to him.

"Oh uhm, can I have a regular coffee, actually not regular extra strong." He looked up at the menu the whole time. 

"Sure, coming right up!" I smiled and told Luna to make it. She was busy making others coffee and no one was behind him So I decided to make his.

"Here!" I gave it to him once I was done.

He flashed a smile at me before going back to sit at his normal place. I had a different feeling about this one.


The next day I woke up to go to go to work again. School wouldn't be starting until another month. I was pretty excited. In walked in the early birds and Beanie guy as I liked to call him were already there. He then ordered the exact same coffee and sat back down in his normal seat, and thats how it was the next weeks he would walk in early and order to exact same drink and read the same book each time a chunk was already read. 

I came in the following day starting the coffee machine. No one els was here but me and Luna had to run a quick task by her boss so she left me in charge. She trusts me well enough to do so, she would even give me the keys to the shop and her car. Thats how much she trusted me. Just then beanie guy walked in.

"Hey the normal?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded. I had already memorized his order since his been coming here the past weeks with the exact same order. This time he wore a flannel over a black normal shirt, he had one black pants and his normal beanie.

I was already making his coffee when for the first time I heard him say something el besides, "Strong coffee" Or "Yeah".

"So whats your name?" He asked.

I turned around in confusion. Was he talking to me? He was.

"Oh uhm. Passion" I answered.

"Cool name." He responded. "Like as in Passion fruit?"

I froze for a second. I know a person who used to call me that. I can't remember that person perfectly, haven't spoken to them in a long time, at least it feels like it. I still can't remember them though.

"Yea" I scoffed a bit uncomfterably, trying to hide it so he won't notice.

He stayed quiet for a while. I made his coffee and handed it to him.

"Will that be it?" I asked.

"Yep" He popped the 'p' at the end.

"Alright, cool then. You're total is 3.99" I smiled.

He payed in a five so I had to gathere his change. As I gathered it I said to him, "So whats your name?" 

"Oh um, Airavata" He smiled.

I finished gathering his change before giving it to him and flashing a smile as doing so.

"Cool name, where's it from?" I asked.

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