~Chapter 43~

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Its been a week since I first introduced my self to her. I kept coming back to the hospital to visit her and have daily chats with her, still using the lie of my aunt just to talk to her. One day after talking and making her laugh, we sat in silence; not only did it remind me of our old days, but we looked each other in the eyes and before I knew it, we were both leaning in. The nurse came in and interrupted, i had to leave but, I looked back at her to say bye and a smile she wore on her beautiful face, the smile I would always put on her. Yesterday I bought her coffee in the morning and we both drank it together, she's still the same passion, she's still my passion. The hospital said she's good now and can go home, but they want to make sure she's alright so they're keeping her in for two more days.

Carefully I tied up the present I had gotten her for our three year anniversary. Although she doesn't know it, it is our three year anniversary, I'll just tell her I got her a gift. Even though I would have done it anyway, anniversary or not. 

I fixed my hair and made my way to the hospital. I went to her room and opened the door with my free hand.

"WILL!" She greeted me.

"Hey pass" I sat next to her. "I got you something" and handed her the box.

"Will! You shouldn't have!" She smiled. "But I did, its from both my aunt and me"

She opened the box slowly. "Its beautiful!" She covered her mouth as she lift up the silver necklace, that had a moon hanging over it, with our date carved in it. 

"You like it?" I asked,

"Love it!" She examined it in awe. "What is this little date on it" She looked closely on it. It was carved pretty small on the tiny moon.

"Its...a very special day to me, and I was told by someone it was and still is a very special day for you" I pressed my lips together.

"Who said so?" She handed it to me asking me to put it on her.

I did as so, "You're parents" I locked it in place.

"Oh...did they say what for?" She released her hair.

"Yep!" I smiled at her as she looked down at it.

"What was it" She looked up.

"I can't tell you, you'll have to figure it out" I chuckled.

"Thats not fair" She faked a pout.

"Everyday, I'll give you a small detail to what and who" I smiled.

"Fine!" She snickered. "Its so beautiful Will" She embraced me in a hug. "Thank you!"

"Your welcome" I wrapped my arms around her waist. This is the first time I have hugged her since she's been conscious.

"Just two more days" She laid in my arms. 

"I know" I let my head rest on hers.

Greyson walked in the room next. "Hey guys!" He smiled.

"Greyson!" I released her as she gave him a hug.

"When did she start to remember you?" I turn to ask him.

"A week ago!" He smiled widely.

"Ah..." I nod.

"You two know each other?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah!" I looked over to him.

I had told him what I was doing so, he better know to play along or els I'm going to rip that little fudge ball.

"Im out in two days" She smiled happily. "Ugh, can't wait to get out of here" He rested her head on her battered fists.

"You can make it passion!" Greyson shook her.

"Ew no get off!" She pushed him off.

"Yep same old passion!" Greyson sat in a chair next to me.

"SO! once you're out, I was thinking we should all hang out?" I sat up.

"ILL GET THE FOOD!" Greyson stood up.

"No, by the time you give us our food it'll be gone" She gave him a straight face.

"Man, but we can't hang out if there's no food." He sat back down and pouted.

"We will have food" She remained her eyes on him as his face lit up with joy, "But! I'll be getting it not you" She cracked a smile as his face went back to pouty.

Everything started to be like the old days, just that she doesn't remember me, or the love we used to share. That doesn't mean I dont love her anymore.

"Alright, well we gotta make sure she's alright boys if you'd excuse us" The doctors came in.

We stood up and left them to check up on Passion. I let out a scoff, "I can't just forget something like that" I look at him.

"I know this is painful.." Greyson put his hand on my shoulder. "She'll remember you though, I know it" He smiled faintly.

"You know what jordan said, just another month..or was it two" He turned to me trying to remember.

I chuckled a bit at his stupidity. "Don't strain yourself" I gave him a light push. 

"Hey lets go to the beach!" Greyson jumped.

"Sure" I smiled. It would get my mind off things, yes I'm back to being depressed, it still kills me.


Once we arrived at the beach Greyson jumped for joy in the sand. I smiled a bit and looked around, the peer was right next to us. I decided to take a stroll along it. Thought greyson wouldn't notice me missing, buttress it didnt take him much, because he came running after me. 

"hey watur you doing mate?" He stood next to me as I sat on the ledge above the water.


"Thinking of what?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Stuff" I shrugged.

"By stuff you mean...1st grade huh?" He turned to me.

I dare not even look at him, I stayed focused on the moving water and the sound of the waves crashing along the shore, he was right, I was thinking of 1st grade, when I met her and I fell in love. I've never felt this connection so strong with someone but her, She makes me feel a certain way I can't explain but I love it. She drives me crazy in a good way. Her smell, her lips, her eyes, her hair, her everything, I can't imagine her loving another guy and when I do, my whole world falls, I can't bare the thought, she's mine, I have to have her, I need to have her. No one understands how much I love this girl. I want to marry her, I want to spend the rest of my life with her and I already want it to start. It shatters me that she doesn't remember me. It breaks me up at night even though everyone thinks I'm doing better, I'm the same. I wilt with no water, no sunlight. She's my water, my sunlight, my only virtue, my life support. She's the only one I want and need, If she's not going to live or remember me ever then why even live myself? 

"What'l happen if I let go" I blink slowly.

"What do mean?" Greysons voice sounded alarmed.

"If I let go...of the world, of everything" 

"Why would you do that?" He asked.

And I answered, "Because the world doesn't need me, she doesn't need me" 

He looked at me with a confused look, full of worry and said, "She needs you"

With that, I let go and let gravity pull me down, and crash with the freezing water, that felt no different from my heart. I sat there with my eyes closed, not shut, just closed and let all the air of my lungs escape, I sunk, i let myself sunk. Just the noises of the earth and the water. It took me away.

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