~Chapter 27~

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I sat at my desk trying to study for tomorrows big test. I read through pages and pages of text and re-read all my notes and tried to see if I remembered. This was a huge test, if I don't pass i have to take 10th grade maths again. That would suck so badly. My head stressed and ached.

I pushed my hair back and concentrated on my book. It was only 8:00pm and I had to sleep early. I bit my lip and tapped my fingers on the white stained, wooden table. My phone vibrated, I unlocked it to see it was a message from will.

Will: Im coming over (;

Pass: okay, but I'm studying.

Will: Thats no fun :c (;

I laugh a little at his last text and continue to study. I feel my head in knots, not being able to get oxygen through correctly. Drowning in every singe equation.

Knock Knock

I jump out of fright from the sound. I put my pencil down and walk over to my room door. Will comes bursting through closing the door quickly behind him, and kisses me. He wraps his arms around my waist and pushes me all the way back on my bed. He lays me down gently and then kisses my neck, planting small kisses. 

He lays there on top of me, sucking on my neck. I bite my lip as he leaves trace marks on my neck from his lips and tongue. Like little foot prints on a forest trail. He then finds my sweet spot that makes me batter my fist and bite my tongue, its quiet at my house, I let out a sudden noise they'd think me and will would be doing something.

"Will.." I bite my lip.

"Yea..?" He smirks.

"I need to study" He stopped and looked at me disappointed. "Babe I'm sorry"

"Its fine" He got off.

I stood up and went to my desk. I continued working on the next problem, but he kept crossing my mind, his kisses, everything. My mind it screamed for more. Begged for more. I turn around and looked at him. He looked like a lost puppy. I turn back around and tap my pencil on my paper. I get up from my seat and walk over to him.

He was siting on the bed looking lost as ever. Not knowing what to do next. I wrap my legs around his waist and crash my lips on his. His eye's widen, but he soon kisses back. He holds me tightly to him. He comes leaning back and I come falling on him. Kiss unbroken. I then travel to his neck and look at him before I do so. He nods like if he were an addict and I his drug. I leave kisses on him. I can hear him trying to fight the moan wanting to slip out. Pushing with every kiss. I stop because I see him struggling, scratching my bed sheets. He looks at me in shock.

"More" He whispered.

To his command I do. I hear footsteps. I quickly run off him and get back to my desk.


"IS ALMA COMING?" I twirl a strand of my hair and tap my pencil.

I look at will and he smirks.


I stand up and he does so too. He pushes me to the wall and kisses me roughly. Making my hair messy. He grabs my wrists and pushes then all the way up on the wall and holds them there. He then moves to my neck and finds my sweet spot again and kisses it as hard as he can. I let the moan out this time.

"You know it" He smirks.

He continued. I push his head away and smirk at him. I push him on the bed and find his sweet spot. He lets it all out. 

"More" He begs.

"Nope! thats all you get" I get off.

I put away my text books and lay next to him.

"why?" He pouts.

"Dude, im not even 17" I chuckle.

"Its alright" He smiled at me.

"Shut up! Lets watch netflix"

"Fine" He gets up and get my laptop for me.

I put on bates motel and I sit in excitement, I've been waiting to watch season 2 with him.

"SHE SMOKES NOW?" He jumped surprised at bradley's cigar.

"Yea......." I chuckle.

"That is sad" He covers his mouth.

"I know right, she looks awful" I rest my head on my hand.

He smiles to me.

"What?" I look at him and chuckle.

"You're adorable" He pushes my hair out my face.

"Really?" I turn to him.

"Nawh," He teases.

"Why'd you do it?" I turn to him.

"Do what?" He asked.

"Come over, and well, 'hardcore makeup session' as they would say" I chuckle.

He did too, "I really love you"

"I know! but, usually your calm" I looked at him.

"I guess I really needed those kisses, its just a moment every guy gets" He puts on the goofiest smile ever.

I laugh and put my head in my hands. "Your so stupid" I teased.

" I know" He wraps his arms around me.

I let out a yawn and cuddle next to him.

"You should head to bed" He kisses my forehead and closes my laptop.

"I know" I curl up.

"Goodnight" He kisses me and exits through the window.

"Goodnight" I smile and doze off.

{A/N MWAHAHAHAHAHAA, Oops? lets just say, the only thing I have to say is your welcome....I feel so evil rn, like Graser, what the heck mate, anyways! Tell me the feels in the comments c;.....I swear I get like this all the time when its this late at night...its 3:00am and I haven't slept...ALRIGHT TIME TO GO WATCH BATES MOTEL! Hour {Btw riley told me to do this cx} -Freya}

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