Chapter One

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Ally's room

"No, it cant be Monday already" Ally moaned as she heard her alarm echo around her room, she turned over and shut off her phone. She dragged herself out of bed and looked at herself in the mirror, "Now what am I going to wear, am I going to look like a lesbian stereotype, or am I going to go in something presentable." Ally went into her closet and grabbed a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, a red plaid shirt and a black tank top underneath, "The lesbian stereotype it is", she said to herself as she looked in the mirror again. She grabbed her bag and left for school.

Stevie's room

"No, not school, why?" Stevie dragged herself out of bed and got herself ready, she put on her black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. She laid back onto her bed, dreading the day ahead, not only did she have a Math test that she didn't study for but she had to put up with people making fun of her for being gay, "I mean what wrong with being gay, have you seen girls", she thought to herself, "So what if I'm gay, I'm happy and that shouldn't effect peoples opinion of me." As she said that her second alarm went off to tell her that she needed to set off for school, she got up and sprinted to her car.


Both girls turned up around the same time. As Ally got out of her car she realised Stevie was too, she grabbed her bag and ran over to Stevie ...

Ally: "Hey there lady."

Stevie: "Oh hi, your here early aren't you?"

Ally: "I actually woke up when my alarm went off, I know shocking right."

Stevie laughed and started to walk into school with Ally, which was unusual, Ally was a part of their friendship group but they didn't really talk much, but when they did it was always funny and a good time.

Ally: "Oh crap, I have to get to basketball practise."

Stevie: "Isn't it a bit early for practise?"

Ally: "Coach wants to see me and I want to work on some things before our game tonight."

Stevie: "Your playing tonight?"

Ally: "Yes. You better be there, every time your there I have a good game, your kind of my good luck charm, please?"

Stevie: "Ok, fine, text me what time you want me there for."

Ally: "You're the best."

Ally said as she kissed Stevie on the cheek, as she pulled back she realised what she had done and ran to practise. Stevie blushed and laughed, Stevie had liked Ally since they met 2 years ago, but Ally wasn't into her like that, she was sure of it.

Stevie was in a world of her own, when the bell rang, 'Oh god its Math, the dreaded class of the day' she thought to herself, when she walked in she saw Ally sat at the back of the classroom. Stevie was confused, Ally wasn't in her Math class. She walked over to her ...

Stevie: "What are you doing here?"

Ally: "I transfered classes."

Stevie: "Why?"

Ally: "I guess I wanted to spend more time with my lucky charm." she said blushing.

Both girls sat and smiled at each other. Then their teacher came in and handed out their test, Stevie looked down at the test and sighed, she had no idea how to do any of it, she looked to her right and looked at Ally, she was flying through it, Stevie was shocked, she had no idea how smart Ally was. Before she knew it the class was over and they left, as Stevie walked away Ally shouted her ...

Ally: "Are you still coming tonight?"

Stevie: "I wouldn't miss it."

Ally: "Good, meet me after last period."

Stevie: "I will see you then."

Stevie's heart was racing, she was going to see Ally play and she actually wanted her there, she smiled and walked to her next class. 

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