Chapter Seventeen

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Ally: "Ali, Shannon, Cammie and Danny could be coming to out hotel room soon."

Stevie: "I told them to come tomorrow so we can celebrate."

Ally: "So, we have the night to ourselves I wonder what we could do?"

Ally slowly makes her way over to Stevie who is still stood in the door way and connects their lips, Stevie deepens the kiss, Ally starts to kiss Stevie's neck hitting her sweet spot.

Stevie: "I like this idea."

Ally: "Me too, now shh..."

Stevie shuts the door and re-connects their lips, Ally pushed Stevie up against the door and started to leave love bites down Stevie's neck, she slowly started to lift off Stevie's shirt, Ally made her way down to Stevie's waistline leaving kisses down her body, she made her way back up Stevie's body and began unbuttoning her jeans with her spare hand, Stevie quickly got them off and re-connected their lips, they made their way over to the bed not breaking the kiss, Ally pushed Stevie on to it, Ally hovered over Stevie looking into her eyes, Stevie flipped Ally over and started to kiss her neck and unbuttoning her shirt, she quickly unbuttoned Ally's jeans and pulled off her underwear.

Ally: "You are really determined."

Stevie: "Stop talking."

Ally: "Ok ..."

At that moment Stevie kissed Ally's tweet spot making her moan quietly, Stevie left love bites on Ally's neck but Ally didn't care, she made her way down her body, when Stevie hit the right spot Ally's back arched making her moan even louder

Stevie: "You better be quiet, some of your team mates are next door."

Ally: "Stevie!"

Stevie carried on until Ally finally was finished ...

The next day there was a knock at the door, Ally got up and opened the door and was greeted by a group of her team mates who had brought breakfast, Ally suddenly felt awkward because Stevie was in bed with nothing on. She woke Stevie up and gave her some clothes to put on and led her to the bathroom before she let them in. When Stevie walked out of the bathroom she sat down on the floor next to Ally who was with her everyone else, they were talking for a while making jokes mainly aimed at Ally ...

Stevie: "So what time is the game tonight?"

Ally: "4pm"

Stevie: "Do you want to have people back in our room, it is your last game of the schools season, all of our friends are coming anyway."

Ally: "Yeah why not."

Tara: "What time should we be here for?"

Ally: "7:30"

Ally turned to face Stevie and whispered something in her ear. Stevie laughed, everyone was sat wondering what she was saying to her.

Lauren: "I guess you guys did save it for last night then."

Stevie: "What?"

Lauren: "Well both of your necks say it all."

Emma: "Omg, is that what I was hearing."

Stevie: "I told you to quiet down."

Ally: "I'm not even sorry about it."

Ally kissed Stevie on the cheek. Tara checked her phone ...

Tara: "Oh, damn it."

Ally: "What?"

Tara: "We're late for practise, coach is going to kill us."

Everyone got up and ran to their rooms and picked up their things, Ally done the same and Stevie followed. When they made it to practise Stevie sat up in the stands ...

STEVIE: I'm sat at Ally's basketball practise all alone, come keep me company.

SHANNON: We are on our way.

STEVIE: Thank you

SHANNON: Thats why we are here.

After their practise it was time for the game, before the game started Ally ran up the stands to see Stevie ...

Ally: "Hey beautiful."

Stevie: "What are you doing up here, get back down there they need to start."

Ally: "They can wait."

Stevie: "What so you want? You're giving me that look."

Ally: "Can I have a kiss before the game starts?"

Stevie: "Of course you can."

Stevie pulled Ally in and kissed her, Ally deepened the kiss but Stevie pulled away.

Stevie: "Now get your fine ass down there and show them how good you are."

Ally: "If you insist."

Stevie laughed as Ally made her way down to the court. When the game finished Stevie made her way down to the court with everyone else. Ally picked her up and spun her around ...

Stevie: "You do that after every game."

Ally: "I know, is it a problem?"

Stevie: "Its not, I love it."

They made their way back to their room with Shannon, Cammie, Ali and Danny to get ready for the party. 

I'm thinking about starting a new story, I will be carrying on writing this as well. I don't know if I should, if you have any ideas let me know and I might use them in my next story.  Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter there should be a new chapter up in the next couple of days.

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