Chapter Nineteen

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The next morning Stevie woke up to see that Ally was already awake ...

Stevie: "I didn't think you would be awake already."

Ally: "I haven't slept, you know, with my back."

Stevie: "I'm sorry about that."

Ally: "Its not your fault, it happens."

Stevie: "Well if you want I can pack and you can just sit there and look good."

Ally: "Deal."

Stevie got up out of bed and started packing, while Ally sat on her phone, she was scrolling through her YouTube, she noticed that she hadn't posted in a while.

Ally: "When we get back do you want to film a new video with me?"

Stevie: "Is it the video I'm thinking of?"

Ally: "Yeah, lets announce we're dating, I can't hide it anymore."

Stevie: "I cant wait to not have to hide it anymore, the amount of people that come up to us in the street now is worrying because we cant be obvious."

Ally: "We wont have to worry about that anymore."

Stevie finished packing, she could stop smiling at the idea of not having to keep it a secret anymore, people online were very suspicious and were really right when they kept saying they were together they were going to make this video perfect, Stevie was in her own world thinking out the video when she heard a knock at the door, Ally walked over and opened the door, she was met by everyone ...

Shannon: "Are you ready to go?"

Stevie got all of the bags and made their way down to the lobby where everyone was meeting, Stevie and Ally made their way to the back of the bus. Not long after the bus set off, people were talking, not 10 minutes into the journey Ally had fallen asleep with her head on Stevie's lap, Stevie stoked Ally's hair, Ally slept the whole way home, they pulled into the school parking lot ...

Stevie: "We're home penguin."

Ally rubbed her eyes and slowly woke up, she picked up all of her things and got off the bus.

Ally: "Did I really sleep the whole time?"

Stevie: "Yeah, you seemed pretty comfortable."

Ally: "I was, thanks for putting up with me the whole time."

Stevie smiled and kissed Ally's forehead. They made their way to Ally's car, Stevie got into the drivers side and helped Ally into the passengers side, Stevie drove them back to her house. When they got there they made their way up to her room and put their clothes away.

Ally: "I need to go home and get my mic's and guitar."

Stevie: "Ok lets go."

When they arrived at Ally's house, her Mom was home.

Mom: "Hey Als, hi Stevie."

Ally: "I'm just coming home for my filming equipment so we can record a video."

Mom: "I cant wait to see it."

Stevie: "You watch her videos?"

Mom: "Of course I do much to her disgust."

Ally made her way up to get the things she needed and left Stevie down stairs with her Mom. Ally had everything together, but there was one more thing she needed, 'Where did I put it? please don't say I've lost it, I know its not the best but the necklace cant have gone.' Ally thought to herself. She searched for it, she pulled everything out, her mattress off the bed, 'Oh thank God' Ally thought to herself, she put in her backpack and made her way downstairs. Ally said goodbye to her Mom and made her way back to Stevie's, they talked about the different places they were going to film in LA for the video. When they finished doing that they filmed the singing part, Stevie was nervous she didn't want to ruin the video, she kept messing up ...

Stevie: "I'm sorry, I'm just nervous."

Ally: "Hey, don't worry we will film for as long as you need, do you want to take a break?"

Stevie: "No, lets just get it over and done with, I just want it to be perfect thats all."

Ally: "It will be, if it takes us days, then it takes us days."

Ally leaned in and kissed Stevie, Stevie deepened the kiss, Ally pulled back.

Ally: "I was going to give you this when we were in the log cabin but I got to preoccupied."

Ally pulled out a necklace box and handed it to Stevie, when she opened it she saw a penguin necklace. She smiled and kissed Ally again.

Stevie: "This is so sweet."

Ally: "Its not the best but I wanted to get you something that meant something to us."

Stevie: "It means so much, even when you're not with me, I will still have my penguin with me."

Ally: "So you like it?"

Stevie: "I love it, so much and I love you."

Ally: "I love you too."

Stevie: "I'll put it on after we ave finished filming."

They carried on filming, once they had finished they put away Ally's recording equipment and sat on the couch. Ally put Stevie's necklace on for her.

Stevie: "Netflix?"

Ally: "Of course, as long as we can cuddle?"

Stevie: "I'm not going to turn that down."

Stevie got up and went and got them some drinks and snacks, they cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie. Halfway through the movie Ally fell asleep, Stevie pulled her into her, turned off Netflix and went to sleep. 

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