Chapter Three

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Cammie: "Woah, are we interrupting something?"

Both girls turned around to see Shannon, Cammie and their friend Ali stood in the gym.

Ally: "I was just teaching her a couple of things, nothing weird going on here."

Stevie: "Yeah, what she said."

They both looked at each other and smiled, forgetting that there were other people in the room. Shannon cleared her throat to remind the girls they were still there. They quickly turned towards them and began blushing, Shannon and Cammie looked at each other, it looked like they knew something and didn't want anyone to know.

Stevie: "Anyway, what are you guys doing here anyway?"

Shannon: "Well we wanted to come and see if the 'star of the team' is as good as everyone says she is. Also we came to talk to you."

Ally: "I have to go get changed into my stuff, I will see you on the court."

Stevie: "I will see you on the court."

Ally: "Your my lucky charm you know that."

As soon as Ally said that she smiled at Stevie and walked towards the locker rooms. Stevie turned to face Shannon, Cammie and Ali, they all had a look of judgement on their face. Stevie looked at them worried about what they wanted to talk about, was it something serious, or was it about her spending more time with Ally than usual, she thought to herself, it was probably the second option, and she was right ...

Shannon: "You like her and don't try to deny it because you can see it from a mile away."

Stevie: "Fine, I like her but you cant tell her, I know she doesn't like me back."

Cammie: "Are you kidding me, you think she doesn't like you-"

Ali: "I have been her best friend since 8th grade and all I have known is her like you, she's liked you for years, she just hasn't told you because she doesn't want to make things weird. If you really like her that much, tell her."

Stevie: "I will, I just need time."

Ali: "Why do you think your her good luck charm, its because she wants to impress you so she pays better ..."

As Ali said that the players came out onto the court, the atmosphere was amazing, people were screaming and cheering. Then the game started, Ally was defiantly at target, she was getting shoved around during the whole game, every time Ally made a basket she would turn to the crowd and point at Stevie. When the game ended Ally ran straight to Stevie and hugged her, the feeling of Ally's body that close send shivers down her body.

Ally: "I told you, your my lucky charm, thats the best I have played in a few games."

Stevie: "I guess I am."

Ally picked Stevie up and spun her around ...

Ally: "And because you were here and I performed well they are bringing a scout to our next game, so you have to come to it."

Stevie: "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

They began to make there way out of the gym, walking slowly talking and enjoying each others company, when they made it to the front of the school they parted their own ways to their cars.

When Stevie got home, she laid down one her bed and stared at the ceiling, all she could think about was what the girls had said to her before the game, Ally actually liked her back. After a while of thinking things through, Stevie thought about how much she wanted to be with Ally, 'If you want to be with her that much, then you need to tell her', she kept saying to herself. 'Ok, tomorrow, I'm going to tell her, even if it means it makes things awkward between us'. Upon saying that Stevie felt relieved and fell to sleep, tomorrow was going to be a big day for her ...

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