Chapter Six

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The day passed relatively quickly, everyone had left to go and get ready for the party. Stevie also left to get ready and Ally was left to try and find something to wear to impress Stevie, rather than go out of her way to look amazing she wore her usual, but she couldn't wait to see Stevie, 'How did I get so lucky?' Ally thought to herself as she heard a knock at the door. She ran downstairs and opened the door to see Stevie in a black dress which complimented her figure, Ally was amazed.

Ally: "Hey gorgeous."

Stevie: "Hey to you too."

Ally took Stevie's hand and pulled her in the door, she shut the door behind her, when she turned around she was met by Ally's lips, Ally pushed Stevie up against the wall, Stevie put her hands on Ally's waist and slowly took off Ally's shirt leaving bite marks on her neck, she began to unhook Ally's bra when they heard the door knock.

Cammie: "Ally, are you there?"

Stevie: "Shit, get your shirt on in there, I will answer the door."

Stevie opened the door to see a crowd of people stood at Ally's door, 'Oh god, I hope Ally is ready because there is no way of holding all these people off', as she told them to come in, Ally ran around the corner ...

Stevie: "What took you so long?"

Ally: "I put it on inside out at first, don't judge me we have all done it."

The party was going well, it seemed like everyone was having a good time probably because there was alcohol involved, but anyway Stevie was having a great time, her and Ally got to spend some time with each other and their friends.

Ally was really drunk, Stevie not so much, when the party ended everyone went to bed, Shannon, Cammie and Ali stayed downstairs on the couches and Ally and Stevie stayed up stairs. Stevie managed to get a very drunk Ally up the stairs without them both falling, when they got into Ally's bedroom, they got undressed and got into bed.

Stevie was just about to get to sleep when she felt Ally's lips against hers, she quickly made her way to Stevie's neck leaving bite marks on it ...

Stevie: "Not tonight Ally, your really drunk, you need some sleep."

Ally: "But your really pretty."

Stevie: "Get some sleep and you can tell me in the morning."

Ally: "Ok, fine. Goodnight pretty lady."

Before Stevie could reply Ally had already turned over and had put her hands over Stevie's waist and was asleep. Stevie couldn't believe the last couple of days, they were perfect and it was all because of one person and that person was the girl laid in bed with her, 'Could this get any better?' she thought to herself.

The next morning Ally woke up with the worst hangover ...

Ally: "Ouch, I have the worst headache, how much did I have to drink last night?"

Stevie: "Quite a lot actually, do you want me to go get you something for it?"

Ally: "Yeah, I will meet you downstairs I need to get some things, thank you pretty lady."

Stevie turned around and smiled at Ally, then made her way downstairs she saw that the T.V. was on and everyone was awake.

Shannon: "Morning."

Stevie: "Oh hi, your actually awake and functioning."

Cammie: "Yeah, we didn't have that much to drink actually."

Stevie: "Neither did I, but I cant say the same for Ally."

Ali: "Really, she only drinks that much when she's nervous or stressed, that weird."

Stevie walked over to the cabinets and get out some tablets and tied her hair up, when she turned around she was met by Shannon ...

Shannon: "Can I ask you a question, are they love bites on your neck?"

Stevie turned around to the mirror on the wall behind her to see three love bites on her neck, by this time everyone had heard what Shannon had said and were interested in who gave her them ...

Shannon: "Who was it, who was the lucky girl."

At that moment Ally walked in with her hair up too, as soon as she walked in Stevie saw them, love bites on her neck we weren't getting out of this one now ...

Ally: "Stevie have you seen my charger?"

Ally turned around to see the look of shock on peoples faces, they had seen them but she hadn't.

Ally: "What? Why is everyone staring at me?"

Stevie grabbed hold of Ally and put her in front of the mirror, Ally instantly saw the marks on her neck and then realised Stevie had them too, they looked at each other in horror. When they turned around Shannon, Cammie and Ali were all looking at them ...

Cammie: "So what have you two been up to then?"

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