Chapter Twelve

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A few weeks after they both posted their videos, both their their channels blew up, both of them had a significant amount of subscribers, which neither of them expected ...

Stevie: "I guess this YouTube became more of a thing than we expected."

Ally: "Yeah, and people ask a lot of questions, they are very suspicious."

Stevie: "Yeah I know, people know I'm gay thats the thing, I didn't keep it a secret when I started my channel you did, thats why they are asking."

Ally: "My comments are literally all 'are you gay?' or 'are you dating Stevie?"

Stevie: "Well, you are dating me."

Ally: "I know thats why I'm going to film and post my coming out story, I think it could help people and then later on we can tell people we are together."

Later that day they set up the lighting and the camera equipment, Ally sat down and started to film ...

Ally: "Hey guys, this is more of a serious video, you have probably seen the title ..."

Ally put her head in her hands and took a deep breath ...

Ally: "Ok, I'm just going to say it ... I'm gay ... Well I haven't said that for a long time, its weird that I am coming out online but I haven't told my Mom yet ..."

Ally continued to tell her story with Stevie looking on, when she finished filming, they made their way up to Ally's room, when she heard her Mom come in, she hadn't seen her in a while due to her spending all her time with Stevie.

Ally: "I'll be back in 10 minutes."

Stevie: "Why, where are you going?"

Ally: "I'm going to tell my Mom I'm gay and that you're my girlfriend."

Stevie: "Are you sure? Do you want me to come with you?"

Ally: "Yeah I'm sure, you just stay here, I will be fine."

Ally made her way downstairs and walked into the kitchen ...

Mom: "Oh hey honey, I haven't seen you in a while, hows things?"

Ally: "Mom, can I talk to you a minute."

Mom: "Sure honey, what wrong?"

Ally: "Well ..."

Mom: "What do you want to tell me? You know whatever you say it wont change anything between us right?"

Ally: "Ok, here it goes ... I'm gay and Stevie is my girlfriend."

Mom: "Finally."

Ally: "What?"

Mom: "I have been waiting so long for you to tell me, Stevie you can come downstairs." she shouts.

Stevie made her way into the kitchen slowly, looking suspicious, when she saw the smile on Ally's face she relaxed a bit.

Stevie: "She knows were together doesn't she."

Mom: "I knew before she told me, don't think I haven't seen you sneak out on a morning."

Both girls smiled at each other and blushed.

Mom: "I'm happy you told me, I love you."

Ally: "I love you too Mom."

STEVIE: Hey Shannon, do you and Cammie want to come to my house, we're celebrating?"

SHANNON: Yeah, what are we celebrating?

STEVIE: Well, Ally just came out on YouTube and to her Mom, lets just say its been a big day for her.

SHANNON: We will be there at 7.

Stevie and Ally made their way to Stevie's house, when they got there they set up living area so Shannon and Cammie could stay over if they wanted too.

Ally grabbed Stevie's hand and led her up to Stevie's room, when they got up there she shut the door behind them ...

Stevie: "What are you doing?"

Ally: "I'm showing my girlfriend how much I love her."

Ally leaned in and kissed Stevie, Stevie deepened the kiss, Ally kissed down Stevie's neck leaving love bites, Stevie took control by throwing Ally onto the bed and pinned her down by her arms, Stevie took off Ally's shirt and started leaving bite marks from her neck down to her hips. Ally sat up, pulled Stevie in and kissed her aggressively, Stevie ran one of her hands through Ally's hair and started to unbutton her jeans with the other, Stevie got up and pulled them off along with her underwear. Stevie crawled back onto the bed towards Ally not losing eye contact with her, she started kissing Ally's neck and inserted her fingers into Ally, which made Ally's body lift, she continued which made Ally dig her nails into Stevie's back, scratching it.

Once they finished Stevie put on a low cut tan top and a pair of boxers, Ally wore basically the same. After about 5 minutes they heard a knock at the door, they opened the door to Shannon and Cammie who had a bottle of vodka with them.

Shannon: "We came prepared."

Ally: "You defiantly did."

They turned around and made their way back into the house, Stevie went and got shot glasses from the cupboard.

Shannon: "Hey Stevie, why is your back bleeding?"

Stevie looked in the mirror and saw her back was pouring with blood, she took off her shirt which was now covered in blood, Ally tried to help her clean it up but her shirt was making it worse so she took off her shirt revealing bite marks on her body.

Shannon: "So I guess you guys had a bit of fun before we got here."

Both girls blushed as they looked down at themselves ...

Ally: "I guess you could say that."

Cammie: "So this got really awkward really quick, changing the subject, are we we playing truth or dare?"

Ally: "Why wouldn't we, its like a tradition, its either that or never have I ever."

Shannon: "Why don't we combine both, we will have one round of one then a round of the other."
Stevie: "That sounds good."

Shannon: "Stevie, truth or dare?"

Stevie: "Truth."

Shannon: "Has Ally's Mom ever caught you leaving on a morning."

Stevie: "Yeah, actually."

Ally: "What, you never told me, tell me the story?"

Stevie: "Well, can you remember the other night when you rang me to come over and I did, then I left well when I was leaving she came out of her room and asked me why I was over so late, I told her you wanted to talk, her response, it made me run."

Cammie: "What did she say?"

Stevie: "She said 'I know why you came over, I heard her ring you."

Cammie: "Well why did that make you run?"

Ally: "You don't want to know what I said when I called her, its nothing a mother should hear."

Cammie: "Oh crap, thats not something I want to know either."

The game went on for a while, everyone ended up very drunk, Shannon and Cammie ended up asleep on the floor and Stevie and Ally were laying on the couch, Stevie had her head resting on Ally's chest ...

Ally: "Hey pretty lady, I want to talk to you about some things tomorrow."

Stevie: "Yeah, ok, but I want to go to sleep now."

Ally: Ok, goodnight gorgeous, I love you."

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