Chapter Seven

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Ally: "What do you mean?"

There was a sense of nervousness in her voice.

Cammie: "Well when you both went to bed last night there was nothing there, now this morning there is and I know you both stayed in the same room."

Stevie looked at Ally and smiled, Ally done the same, they started to laugh.

Shannon: "Are you guys dating?"

Ally: "Are we? I know this isn't the best time to have this conversation, but we said if they asked we would tell them."

Stevie: "Yeah, we are dating."

Cammie: "I knew it."

Stevie: "How? I didn't think we made it that obvious."

Cammie: "Friday night the way you two looked at each other after the sex dream question was one way I knew you don't look at someone like that after that question and laugh. Also last night, the way Ally looked at you all night, even when she wasn't with you and now this."

Stevie: "Oh."

Ali: "Also I already knew.

Stevie: "How?"

Ali: "Ally is my best friend, she tell me everything."

Stevie looked at Ally, she looked guilty, hours passed, Shannon, Cammie and Ali left leaving Ally and Stevie. They cleared up everything from the party the night before and made there way back up to Ally's room.

Ally: "Can you stay with me tonight?, my Mom isn't going to be home for a couple of days."

Stevie: "Of course I will."

Ally: "Well if your going to be with me do you want to go on a date?"

Stevie: "Yes, why wouldn't I."

The girls got ready and got into Ally's car, they were driving a while when Stevie noticed that they were at the beach, Stevie loved going to the beach, it was her place she went to go and think and get away from things.

Ally walked to the back of the car and got out a blanket and a basket. They made there way down the beach hand in hand. Ally laid out the blanket and they both sat down ready for the sun to set. Stevie was sat with her head resting on Ally's shoulder ...

Ally: "Stevie, will you be my girlfriend?"

Stevie: "I thought I already was?"

Ally: "I wanted to make sure and I wanted to ask you properly."

Stevie: "This night is perfect, I love the beach."

Ally: "I know you do, thats why I brought you here."

Stevie lifted her head off Ally's shoulder and looked into her eyes ...

Stevie: "I don't know how I got so lucky."

Ally: "What do you mean? I'm nothing special."

Stevie: "Are you kidding me? You're gorgeous, smart and talented."

Ally: "Talented?"

Stevie: "I know where you go at lunch, Ive walked past the music room a couple of times and have heard you sing, also have you forgotten that you are the star player of the basketball team. Girl you have talent."

Ally: "You've heard me sing?"

Stevie: "Yes and you're amazing, you need to have more confidence in yourself."

Ally leaned towards Stevie, Ally's lips met Stevie's, Stevie pulled back and stood up ...

Ally: What are you doing?"

Stevie: "I'm going in the water, you joining?"

Ally: "No, you don't want to see what happens to this hair when it gets wet."

Stevie: "Fair enough."

Stevie took off her shirt and then her jeans and walked into the sea. Ally was mesmerised by Stevie, she was beautiful, caring, so supportive and she was her girlfriend, that thought blew her mind, she was dating Stevie.

When they got back to Ally's house Stevie went straight into the shower.

Stevie: "Ally!"

Ally: "What? Whats wrong?!"

Stevie: "Nothing, I was just wondering if you wanted to join me."

Ally raised her eyebrows, Stevie smiled as Ally took off her clothes and joined her in the shower. Ally kissed Stevie and pinned her up against the wall, Stevie deepened the kiss, then Ally began to kiss Stevie's collarbone leaving bite marks down her body, Stevie tried to take control ...

Ally: "What do you think you are doing?"

Ally looked at Stevie, Stevie bit her bottom lip, Ally made her way down Stevie's body, her body arched when Ally hit the right spot, Stevie pulled Ally up by her hair and kissed her, allowing Ally's tongue into her mouth.

Stevie: "Tonight has been perfect."

Ally: "It turned out better than I had expected."

Stevie: "Do we have to go to school tomorrow, cant we just relive today again?"

Ally: "I wish we could but we have to go, also Danny gets back tomorrow."

Stevie: "Are you going to tell him about us?"

Ally: "Of course I am, why wouldn't I tell him about the best thing that has ever happened to me."

Stevie kissed Ally and rested her head on Ally's chest, Ally didn't go to sleep until Stevie did, she couldn't get over how lucky she was to have spent her night with her. 'I am in bed with Stevie Boebi, what?' Ally thought to herself as she fell asleep.

I'm sorry if particular parts of this are terribly written, I'm not the best writer but I tried.

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