Chapter Five

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When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they looked at each other and smiled ...

Ally: "Do you want to tell them whats happening, or do you want to keep it quiet?"

Stevie: "If they ask we tell them, if they don't then we will tell them when we are ready."

Ally: "That sounds like a good idea actually."

Ally walked into the room first followed by Stevie, everyone was sat on the floor in their pyjamas and with their duvets, they seemed to be talking about something but they suddenly stopped the conversation as soon as they walked into the room ...

Cammie: "Oh hi guys, I didn't know Stevie was coming I thought she was busy tonight?"

Ally: "Yeah she was busy but she needed to talk so she came over."

Shannon: "You know what, tonight is going to be so much better with Stevie here, I cant wait."

Ally and Stevie went up for her duvet and pillows and came back downstairs.

Ali: "We have decided that we're going to play games and then maybe watch a horror movie like we used to, is that ok with you two?"

Stevie: "Its fine with me."

Ally: "Same here."

Stevie: "So what first?"

Cammie: "Never have I ever."

Stevie looked at Ally, Ally knew what was coming, she was not looking forward to it at all.

Shannon: "Because we are mature people are we going to play the clean or dirty version of this."

Cammie: "It wouldn't be good if we didn't find anything out about anyone so we can do both and embarrass a couple of people."

All eyes turned to Ally, she was the clear target for this game, 'Everyone knows that I like Stevie but they don't know that Stevie knows, if I am a target then I am going to start targeting people too', Ally was determined not to be the only one embarrassed that night, the worst part about it though was there was drinking involved, would Ally be able to control herself around Stevie?

Cammie: "Never have I ever been walked in on while doing it."

Ally, Shannon and Stevie all drank. There was a look of shock and disappointment on the faces if Ali and Cammie.

Shannon: "Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone."

Ally and Stevie both drank and looked at each other Ally raised her eyebrows at Stevie, Stevie winked back. 'Well that is good to know' Ally thought to herself.

Ally: "Never have I ever called someone the wrong name while having sex."

No one drank, they all seemed pretty proud of themselves, everyone started laughing. Stevie's hand was under the duvet and so was Ally's, Stevie reached over and held Ally's hand, Ally smiled but didn't make it obvious to what was happening.

Stevie: "Never have I ever done the walk of shame."

Ali drank ...

Ali: "When I was leaving their house their Mom came back and just looked at me with disgust."

Stevie: "That must have been awkward."

Ali: "That my friend would be an understatement. Anyway, never have I ever gotten back together with an ex."

Shannon and Cammie drank ...

Shannon: "We broke up for a couple of months and then got back together."

Cammie: "Yeah."

The girls played the game going back and forth for hours, Stevie decided not to embarrass Ally as she had promised, she didn't want to upset her because then should would feel guilty. It was time for the movie, Ally loved horror movies, Stevie not so much, she got up to go to the bathroom and texted Ally from upstairs

STEVIE: I don't like horrors, I curl up into a ball and cover my eyes.

ALLY: Don't worry I will be right next to you, you could even cuddle up to me if you want.

STEVIE: What will everyone think though?

ALLY: Screw what they think, let them think what they want to think.

STEVIE: Thanks, don't judge me though.

ALLY: Oh I won't, if it gives me a reason to get cuddles from you then I'm in.

Stevie cam back downstairs to see the movie had already started, Ally patted the couch, Stevie sat down beside Ally holding her hand once again, for most of the movie Stevie was hiding in Ally's side and before they knew it they were both asleep, with Stevie's head resting on Ally's hip.

The next morning they woke up, Ally looked down at Stevie and smiled, soon after Stevie woke up and looked at the girls who were on the floor and other couch, they were looking at them with a big grin on their face ...

Cammie: "Anyway, are we still on for tonight and tomorrow?"

Stevie: "You really have a packed weekend don't you."

Ally: "Yeah, is it ok if Stevie comes too?"

Cammie: "Of course, she has always been invited."

Stevie: "Just remind me what I'm invited too."

Cammie: "I'm having a party tonight but here because my parents wouldn't let me have it there and then were staying over again."

Stevie: "I'm in if you are."

Ally: "I guess were still on then."

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