Chapter Fifteen

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Ally woke up in the same position she fell asleep, before she got up she kissed Stevie's shoulder. Ally got up out of bed and started to pack a bag, she looked back at Stevie and smiled, Ally had never felt this way about someone, she never thought that Stevie felt the same way she did and she was lucky she did, Ally was in her own world and didn't notice that Stevie had woken up and was smiling at her.

Stevie: "Ally, are you ok?"

Ally: "Oh, yeah sorry, I didn't realise you were awake."

Stevie: "You looked happy."

Ally: "I was thinking about today, now get up and pack a bag."

Stevie: "What, where are we going?"

Ally: "You will see."

The girls both finished packing their bags and made their way to where they would be staying. During the whole drive Stevie was trying to guess where they were going, but as much as Stevie tried to get Ally to tell her she stayed strong and didn't give in to Stevie's tricks.

Stevie: "Look how cute that log cabin is, its got a great view."

As Stevie said that Ally turned off the road and pulled up in front of the cabin and got out of the car.

Stevie: "Are you kidding?"

Ally: "What don't you want to stay here."

Stevie: "Its not that, its perfect, I just cant believe you picked the perfect place, but why?"

Ally: "Well I wanted to get away from things and have an amazing time with my girlfriend without being interrupted by people."

Stevie: "Someone is bound to text us or something."

Ally: "Everyone knows we are here and not to get in touch unless its an emergency."

Stevie: "They know, how long for?"

Ally: "About three weeks."

Stevie leaned in and kissed Ally pushing her up against the car, Ally pulled back and walked towards the back of the car to get the bags they packed. Stevie followed her, when they got to the door of the cabin Ally was nervous, she was either going to hate it or love it, but when the door opened Stevie looked so happy, she ran straight to the bed and jumped on it, Ally followed.

Stevie: "I love you so much."

Ally: "I love you too. Do you like where we are staying?"

Stevie: "I might love it more than you."

Ally: "Well thats good to know."

Stevie: "I'm kidding, its a close second."

Ally laughed and kissed Stevie on the cheek.

Ally: "Come on lets go."

Stevie: "Where are we going?"

Ally: "I think we should go on a walk, then maybe come back and go into town and get some dinner."

Stevie: "Sounds great."

Stevie got up off the bed and made her way outside, when they started to walk Stevie started to take in the area surrounding her. After a few hours walking around they realised the time.

Ally: "We better get back if you want to keep on schedule."

Stevie: "You have a plan"

Ally: "Well since we started YouTube our time for dates and nights out have been limited. Also its not like we can go out during the day, we do go to school."

Stevie: "I have missed our date nights, we need to dedicate a night so we can go on a date every week."

Ally: "Well whats your favourite thing to have?"

Stevie: "Tacos."

Ally: "Why don't we go out on Tuesdays and call it Taco Tuesday."

Stevie: "I love it."

Ally: "Its a date."

When they made it back to the cabin Stevie went to go and get changed, Ally stopped her.

Ally: "You don't need to change, you look perfect the way you are."

Stevie: "Are you sure, I don't want to embarrass you."

Ally: "If people are thinking anything about you they are thinking, damn that other girl got lucky, just look how hot her girlfriend is."

Stevie: "You're so sweet."

They made their way to the restaurant ...

Stevie: "Can I say something and you wont be mad."

Ally: "You have me worried but yes."

Stevie: "Can we not go here, I want to sit in some diner next to my girlfriend and have a good time and eat tacos, not in a fancy restaurant and have to sit opposite you and order something expensive.

Ally: "I'm happy there if you are, plus it won't cost me as much."

Stevie nudged Ally. When they made it to the diner they sat next to each other in the stall and ordered their food. While they were waiting they just sat and talked and smiled a lot, even though their waiter told them they looked like sisters, he got a big shock when he walked over and saw them kissing.

After they finished eating they made their way back to the cabin, they weren't in there 10 seconds before Stevie pushed Ally up against the wall connecting their lips, Ally put her hands on Stevie's waist and began to lift her shirt over her head, Ally kissed Stevie again making their way over to the bed not breaking the kiss. Ally pushed Stevie onto the bed, took off her shirt and began kissing up Stevie's body, Ally looked into Stevie's eyes before Stevie pushed Ally back, Stevie began kissing Ally's neck, making her way down her body until she got to her waistline, Stevie pulled off Ally's pants and underwear and kissed her inner things, Ally started to moan when Stevie hit the right spot, her body arched then dropped. Stevie made her way back up to Ally's lips and kissed them. Ally quickly flipped Stevie over.

Ally: "Do you know how much I love you."

Stevie: "Stop talking and just kiss me."

Thanks to everyone who wished me luck on my exam results I really appreciate it, I got better results than I thought I would and I have an interview for college tomorrow to discuss them. Once again thanks and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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