Chapter Four

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Stevie was supposed to tell Ally on Tuesday, but it was now Friday and she still hadn't told her, 'I have to tell her today, I have double Math with her today', Stevie began to get ready for school, her heart was racing at the thought she could possibly ruin her friendship with Ally.

Her day, flew by quickly until it got to her last two classes of the day, Stevie walked in to see Ally was already there, her heart stopped, this was actually going to happen, she was going to tell her.

Ally: "Hey you."

Stevie: "Hey, are you busy tonight, I need to talk to you about something."

Ally: "I have nothing planned, whats up?"

Stevie: "I just want to talk to you about something important."

Ally: "Ok, this worries me, do you want to go to my place after school?"

Stevie: "I would like that."

After that conversation, Stevie felt a bit of relief but dreaded how she would start the conversation later that night. Ally on the other hand was worried, 'Have I done something wrong?, was it when I picked her up and spun her around, was that too far?', thoughts ran through her head for the rest of the class. Then the bell rang, both girls looked at each other as though they were worried, Stevie didn't want to make things awkward so she started to talk about when the scout was coming to her basketball game and the game that happened the day before.

Ally: "I really do appreciate you coming yesterday, its like I'm a different player when your there."

Stevie: "You really are a good player, I don't see why you need me there, but I do love coming."

Ally: "Thanks, but I love to look up into the crowd and see you there, its a nice feeling, like someone actually wants to support me."

When the girls made it to the car they didn't speak much of the journey, Ally was starting to get awkward so she put some music on to kill the silence. Soon they arrived at Ally's house Ally's mom wasn't their as usual so they made their way up the stairs, when they made it to Ally's room Stevie sat at the end of the bed and looked at Ally, she was so in love with her and Ally had no idea. Ally turned around to see Stevie staring at her ...

Ally: "What?"

Stevie: "Nothing, I was in my own world for a minute there."

Ally: "Anyway, what did you want to talk to me about, you seemed pretty nervous today."

Stevie: "Do you promise me if I tell you it wont ruin our friendship."

Ally: "Now I'm really worried, but yes I promise it wont ruin our friendship no matter what it is."

Stevie: "I'm going to sound like a 12 year old though."

Ally: "Stevie, I don't care if you do, the wait is killing me.

Stevie: "Ok, here it goes, I really like you, not in a friend way, more than that, I've liked you for about ..."

Stevie was cut off by Ally's lips, she felt like the world had been lifted off her shoulders, Ally felt the same way, Ally pulled back ...

Ally: "You were saying."

Stevie: "Wow ... I cant remember."

Ally laughs and looks at Stevie, she couldn't believe that a girl like Stevie who was smart and beautiful, could like someone like her. The girls laid on Ally's bed and started to watch Orange is the New Black, Stevie was laid with her head resting on Ally's chest when they heard a knock at the door. Ally ran down stairs to see Shannon, Cammie and Ali stood at the door, Ally looked shocked ...

Ally: "What are you guys doing here?"

Ali: "Are you being serious, we planned this last weekend."

Ally: "Planned what?"

Cammie: "That we were going to have a sleepover like we used to in the good old days."

Ally had completely forgotten that she had agreed to it and wondered how she was going to tell Stevie that they couldn't spend the night how they wanted to, Ally just wanted to be alone with Stevie, she went up stairs to see Stevie laid on the bed curled up in the covers, Ally looked at her overwhelmed by her beauty.

Stevie: "Who was at the door, I heard multiple voices."

Ally: "I totally forgot that I said everyone could come over for a sleepover, like the good old days, are you ok with it?

Stevie: "Yeah, I guess, but you better be prepared for a game or never have I ever or truth or dare because I am so going to embarrass you, why you might ask, because your cute when you get all awkward.

Ally: "I guess I deserve it, now come here and kiss me before we go down stairs."

Stevie got up off the bed slowly not losing eye contact with Ally, she leaned in and kissed Ally passionately, she pulled back ...

Ally: "Quick lets go before they come up and see why I'm taking so long."

Ally took Stevie's hand and guided her down stairs.

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