Chapter Thirteen

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Ally woke up to see that Stevie wasn't there, Shannon and Cammie were still asleep on the floor, then a smell hit her, Stevie was cooking breakfast. Ally quietly made her way over to the kitchen snook up behind Stevie and placed her hands on her waist and kissed her neck.

Ally: "Good morning beautiful."

Stevie: "Good morning pretty."

Ally: "How are you feeling?"

Stevie: "I have a bit of a headache and my back hurts but I am fine with the back pain."

Ally: "I bet you are." she said as she raised her eyebrows.

Ally leaned in and kissed Stevie, lifting her up onto the counter not breaking the kiss, Stevie ran her hands through Ally's hair, Ally took off Stevie's shirt and started leaving love bites down her body, Ally made her way back up Stevie's body and kissed her, Stevie bit Ally's bottom lip. Ally broke the kiss and looked at Stevie, Stevie bit her lip and kissed Ally, Ally pulled Stevie off the counter and pushed her up against the wall, slipping her hand into Stevie's boxers and kissed Stevie's neck again, Stevie moaned ...

Shannon: "Ermm, guys we're still here."

Ally jumped back and Stevie blushed in embarrassment.

Stevie: "How long have you been awake?"

Shannon: "Not long, thank God."

Cammie: "Did you forget we were here or something?"

Ally: "Do you think we would be having sex in the kitchen if we remembered you were here?"

Cammie: "Good point."

Shannon: "Anyway, we need to go home and get ready for school."

Shannon and Cammie left and Stevie and Ally made there way up stairs to get ready, Stevie put on a red plaid shirt with a black tank top on underneath with skinny jeans, Ally wore a black tank top with ripped skinny jeans, when they both looked at each other they smiled.

Stevie: "We are basically wearing the same thing."

Ally: "Twinsies."

Stevie: "Yeah, now get you butt downstairs we need to go to school."

Ally: "But I don't want to go, today is so boring."

Stevie: "But you have first period with me."

Ally: "I know, other than that its boring."

Stevie: "Good save, now get downstairs."

Ally: "I know I'm proud of that one and if you insist."

Ally opened the door for Stevie to get into the car and then made her way to the drivers side, the whole way to school Stevie had her hand on Ally's thigh, Ally looked at Stevie and smirked, 'How did I get so lucky, she's perfect and hot ... defiantly hot, damn I'm lucky' ...

Stevie: "What you thinking about?"

Ally: "How lucky I am to have you."

Stevie: "I love you so much."

Ally: "I love you too, I wouldn't be myself without you."

After a while of driving Ally pulled into the school parking lot, Ally once again ran around to the passenger side door and opened it for Stevie, when she got out she grabbed hold of her hand and kissed the back of it. When the got there stuff out of the back of the car, they realised Shannon and Cammie were coming towards them ...

Shannon: "Its good to see you with more clothes on."

Ally: "You're so funny."

Shannon: "I know I am, but that is twice now I have been scarred by you two."

Ally: "Thats unfortunate, but I am sorry for it."

Shannon: "It is scarring but it is funny seeing you two so embarrassed."

Stevie: "Its not funny."

As the conversation went further until the bell rang, Stevie and Ally made their way to Math to see that Danny was already there ...

Danny: "So, I hear that you came out on YouTube, congrats."

Ally: "Thanks."

Danny: "I'm having a party tonight, well not a party, I'm having a few friends over and by friends I mean, you, Stevie, Shannon, Cammie, Ali, Nick, Liam and Adam. Do you want to come, it can be a way to celebrate."

Ally: Nick? Are you kidding me, he's been hitting on me since the start of the year."

Danny: "I will keep an eye on him."

Ally: "Do you want to?" she said looking at Stevie

Stevie: "Sure, why not."

Danny: "Come to my house around 7 and help me set up."

Ally: "Why should I do that?"

Danny: "Because I will find a way to get you the day off tomorrow so you can take Stevie out on the date you have been wanting to."

Ally: "Ok, deal."

All of their classes seemed to feel like hours, Stevie was sure she had been in French an hour and she had only been there 10 minutes. When the day ended she couldn't find Ally anywhere, she looked in the class she had before the day ended, she looked in the gym, then when she was walking past the music room she heard Ally singing, she knocked on the door ...

Stevie: "Hey, what are you doing here, your teacher said you didn't turn up to last period."

Ally: "Yeah, I wanted to work on something so I got excused, although I basically had to beg."

Stevie: "What are you working on?"

Ally: "Can you remember last night when I said I wanted to talk to you about something?"

Stevie: "Yeah."
Ally: "Are you ready to announce that we are dating on YouTube, because I want to show everyone how much I love you, also I don't want to have to edit out so many kisses, its too hard."

Stevie: "Of course I'm ready, I've been waiting until you were ready. How are we going to do it though."

Ally: "I don't want to do it normally, like just a sit down video, I'm thinking about writing a song and do it that way, kind of make fun of some of the comments we got on out collaboration videos."

Stevie: "That sounds good."

Ally sang some of the song to Stevie, she laughed ...

Stevie: "I love it."

Ally: "Good, I just need to finish it, then we can film it?"

Stevie: "I cant wait."

I will be posting another chapter tonight because I get my GCSE results tomorrow and I don't know how I am going to feel, it depends whether they are good or bad, so I am preparing, just in case. 

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