Chapter Ten

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Stevie opened the bedroom door and slammed it shut, Stevie pushed Ally up against the wall not breaking their kiss. She slowly lifted Ally's shirt off and pushed her onto the bed. Ally looked up at Stevie ...

Ally: "How did I get so lucky?"

Stevie: "Just shut up and kiss me."

Ally kneeled on the end of the bed and pulled Stevie towards her, Stevie pushed Ally back onto the bed and leaned over her, she kissed Ally passionately making her way down her body to her waistline, Stevie unbuttoned Ally's pants and pulled them off along with her underwear, she kissed the insides of Ally's thighs, Ally grabbed hold of Stevie's hair and pulled her back up, Ally leaned in deepening the kiss, Stevie broke the kiss and made her way back down her body, Ally was in her own world, 'This is the best celebration ever' Ally thought to herself ...

Later in the night Stevie and Ally laid in bed, Ally was resting on Stevie's chest playing with her hair

Stevie: "Your so beautiful."

Ally: "Stop it, I'm not."

Stevie: "Have you seen your face?"

Ally: "Yes."

Stevie: "Well, you must see it then because damn your hot."

Ally leaned in and kissed Stevie.

Stevie: "I love you so much."

Ally: "What made you like me?"

Stevie: "One, you're gorgeous. Two, you lighten up my day, even if you don't try. Three, when you sing it makes my heart melt. I could honestly go on for hours."

Ally: "Go on a date with me, we have only been on one."

Stevie: "Yeah, can we go tomorrow night?"

Ally: "Yeah."

Stevie left for a while to go and get some food for them both, when she got back she went into the kitchen to cook it, Ally hadn't come downstairs straight away, which was weird, Stevie went and looked in the fridge, she suddenly felt Ally's hands on her waist and kissing her neck, Stevie quickly turned around and connected her lips with Ally's pushing her up against the counter. Before anything could happen Stevie opened her eyes to see smoke coming from what she was cooking.

Ally: "This happens every time I'm in a kitchen."

Stevie: "What do you mean?"

Ally: "I have never cooked a meal without a disaster, the last time I cooked I cut my toe."

Stevie: "You don't have any luck do you?"

Ally: "Not very often."

After they cleared the smoke, the food was ruined so Stevie decided to order pizza. When it turned up the girls sat on the couch and watched Dexter, Stevie was enjoying it that much she didn't realise that Ally had left to get her guitar from Stevie's room, when she came back downstairs she started to play, it immediately caught Stevie's attention, she looked at Ally with a smile on her face, Ally didn't notice that Stevie was looking at her. When Ally looked up she saw Stevie smiling at her,'She has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen' Ally thought to herself.

Ally: "What you smiling about?"

Stevie: "I love to see you play guitar."

Ally: "I'm thinking about starting a YouTube channel just so I have an excuse to play more."

Stevie: "I think you should do it."

Ally: "I will only do it on one condition, you sing with me in my first video."

Stevie: "But I cant sing, especially not as good as you."

Ally: "Girl I have heard you sing in the shower you are amazing."

Stevie: "I will only do it if you dont laugh at me when I get something wrong."

Ally: "Deal."

Sorry its not the best, I'm not feeling too good but I wanted to post something, so if its awful I apologise.

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