Chapter Eleven

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*Beep Beep*

Ally turned over to see Stevie still asleep, 'She's so cute when she sleeps', Ally thought to herself. She leaned in and kissed Stevie's lips climbing on top of her, Stevie woke up and kissed Ally back. Ally tried to deepen the kiss but Stevie pushed Ally off of her and got up and got ready for school. Ally got up and started to get ready herself, Stevie took off the shirt she was wearing the night before and was changing it, Ally was admiring Stevie's body ...

Stevie: "Yes?"

Ally didn't say anything she rushed towards Stevie and kissed her, connecting their lips, this time Stevie didn't stop her, Ally picked Stevie up and put her on the bed not breaking the kiss, Ally was about to unhook Stevie's bra when she heard her phone ring ...

Stevie: "I need to answer it."

Ally: "No you don't."

Ally began to leave love bites down Stevie's neck, when her phone started ringing ...

Ally: "I swear to God, this better be important!"

Ally got up off the bed to see who it was, it was Danny ...

Danny: "Where are you school is about to start."

Ally: "Oh crap, Stevie we have 10 minutes to get to school, get ready."

Danny: "Oh I see why you're late."

Ally: "You weren't meant to hear that."

Danny: "I assume I wasn't, we still on for recording the video tonight?"

Ally: "Yeah, come round to Stevie's place straight after school. I better get going if I want to be there on time, I will see you in Math."

Stevie and Ally rushed to the car and made it to school just as the bell went for first period, Ally and Stevie weren't in the same class first period so they went there separate ways to their class. All Stevie could think about was Ally, how she would do anything to spend the whole day with her at home. Stevie got out her phone and text Ally ...

STEVIE: Would you be willing to skip last period, I miss you.

ALLY: You're going to see me to class before that.

STEVIE: I don't think I will be able to leave you, I want to spend some 'quality' time with you.

ALLY: Well if you want to spend 'quality' time with me, then I cant say no.

The bell rang for next period, Stevie checked her phone, only a few more hours and she had Math with Ally and then she could got home with her.

After what felt like days Stevie was finally going to spend Math with Ally, she didn't even like the class, she just liked that she got to spend time with Ally. Ally defiantly got what Stevie was talking about, she was being a tease all class, running her hand up and down Stevie's thigh and whispering things in Stevie's ear, 'I cant wait for this class to be over so all the teasing can stop', Stevie thought to herself.

The bell finally rang, both girls got up out of their seats, Ally reached for Stevie's hand and interlocked their fingers, they made their way out of school and drove to Stevie's house. Stevie began to kiss Ally's neck ...

Ally: "As much as I want this to happen this minute, we have to set up for tonight, then we can do what we want."

Stevie: "Fine, but can we film a video for my channel too, I think I want to get into something like that, it sounds fun."

Ally: "Only if I can be in it, you know because you love me."

Stevie: "I guess you can be, I'm kidding, of course you can."

After they set up the lighting to the best of their abilities in Stevie's living room, they make their way up stairs,

Ally: "Did I leave a guitar here?"

Stevie: "Yeah, its in my closet."

Ally walked over to the closet but before she got their Stevie grabbed hold of her hand and turned her around, she leaned in and kissed Ally, the kiss wasn't aggressive, it was passionate, Stevie played with the bottom of Ally's shirt, holding onto her waist, Ally deepened the kiss and pushed Stevie onto the bed, Ally seductively looked at Stevie and slowly took off her shirt. Stevie admired Ally's body, when Ally made her way onto the bed Stevie sat up and kissed her again, Ally took Stevie's shirt off and started to leave love bites down Stevie's neck and stomach. She made her way back up Stevie's body and kissed her, she unbuttoned her pants and pulled them off. Stevie looked up at Ally ...

Ally: "I know this could be a mood killer because we have done it before, but are ok with me doing this?"

Stevie: "Yes, yes I am, now come here."

Stevie kissed Ally, Ally slowly made her way down Stevie's body and took off her underwear and down she went, Stevie's nails were digging in Ally's back, scratching her, Stevie's body arched, before anything else could happen, they heard a knock at the door.

Ally: "Oh crap, school must be over, its Danny."

Both girls grabbed their clothes and ran downstairs and opened the door. Danny helped make the lighting better and placed his camera where they wanted to film and helped set up the microphone.

Danny: "I know this is your first video, but are you going to introduce her as your girlfriend or what?"

Ally: "I think we should let the people who watch it guess, its not like a lot of people are going to watch it and start a big thing about whether or not we're dating."

Ally got up and got her guitar, they sang 'Do you love me too".

Danny: "You two are so cute it makes me want to throw up."

Ally: "What, I thought we hid it well."

Danny: "I think people will be able to see that there is something there, but I know your dating, so it could just be me."

After 20 minutes of setting up the equipment outside they began to film the video for Stevie's channel, the 'How well do you know me' challenge. It all came down to the last question to see who won, they were drawing on points ...

Ally: "You know I play basketball right, but what is my number on my jersey?"

Stevie: "13"

Ally: "Damn it."

Stevie: "If you don't get this right you have lost, you know that right."

Ally: "I'm going to get it right, I cant lose to you, you will never let me forget it."

Stevie: "You know that scar I have on my left hip, how did I get it?"

Ally: "Oh crap, the one that goes right up to your ribs right?"

Stevie: "Yeah"

Ally: "Ermm ... I don't know you had surgery?"

Stevie smacked Ally in the face with a plate full of whipped cream.

Stevie: "Nope, I got into a car accident and a piece of glass got lodged there."

After finishing off the video the girls put all the equipment away and said goodbye to Danny and made their way to bed and started editing, before they knew it the time was 3:17am. Ally went to say something when she realised Stevie was asleep, she went around the bed and took her computer off her knee and put it away, she laid back down near Stevie and put her arm over her waist and buried her head in her shoulder and went to sleep.

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, but I will make it up, I'm going to post another chapter tomorrow.

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