Chapter Twenty One

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When Stevie woke she noticed Ally wasn't next to her, she got up and looked in the kitchen, she wasn't there, so she text her.

STEVIE: Hi pretty, where are you?

ALLY: I had to come into school early to finish one of my songs for Music. I thought I told you, I'm sorry.

STEVIE: Its ok, it was just weird waking up and you not being here.

ALLY: Well hurry up and get here so I can see you, I miss you.

STEVIE: I will be there soon, don't worry.

Ally smiled looking at her phone, it killed her having to leave Stevie this morning. Ally continued writing the song, after about 30 minutes Ally still hadn't written anything, 'How am I going to write a good song if I don't know what to write about.' she thought to herself, her thoughts were cut off when she heard a knock on the door, she looked up to see Stevie stood at the door, Ally got up and opened the door.

Ally: "Do I know you?"

Stevie: "I don't, know do you?"

Ally: "I recognise you from somewhere."

Stevie: "I'm sure I fell asleep next to someone who looked liked you last night, but they weren't there when I woke up."

Ally: "Oh, thats where I know you from."

They both laughed. They made their way over to where Ally was sat, Stevie went to look for a chair, then Ally had an idea for her song, she started to write it down, when Stevie got back she saw that Ally was way into her work so she just sat and watched her.

Before either of them knew it the bell went for first period ...

Stevie: "I don't want to go to class I want to stay here with you."

Ally: "We have to go, I also you English and you know what your teacher is like."

Stevie: "Another reason for me not to go."

Ally: "I will drag you there if I have to, we can still text, just be sly about it."

Stevie: "Fine, but you're walking with me."

Stevie made it to her class and kissed Ally goodbye. As Ally promised she was texting Stevie all through the lesson, well almost all the way through, Stevie was talking to Ally about the plans they had for the beach with everyone when Stevie's teacher walked up behind her.

Teacher: "Miss Boebi, do you think it is allowed for phones to be out during lesson?"

Stevie: "Obviously not or i wouldn't be hiding the fact I'm on it."

Teacher: "I'll have your phone now and you can have it back after an hour detention with me."

Stevie: "You have got to be kidding me?"

Teacher: "Do you want to make it 2?"

Stevie sat back in her seat until the bell went, the rest of the day dragged, she didn't get to see Ally much because she was working on her Music assignment. When her last class finished she had 10 minutes before she had to be at detention so she went and found Ally.

Ally: "You ready to go?"

Stevie: "I cant I have detention."

Ally: "What for?!"

Stevie: "Being on my phone during English."

Ally: "So you got your phone took off you?"

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