Chapter Twenty Two

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Stevie woke up to her alarm going off, she turned it off and turned around to face Ally, 'She looks so cute when she sleeps' Stevie thought to herself, she leaned forward and kissed Ally's forehead then got out of bed, before she could get off the bed she felt her arm being pulled back.

Ally: "You're not going anywhere."

Stevie: "Oh really?"

Ally: "Nope, you're staying here with me."

Ally started kissing Stevie's sweet spot, Stevie was in the moment, she suddenly snapped out of it.

Stevie: "We cant we have school."

Ally: "Do we have to go?"

Stevie: "Whats up with you lately, you never want to go."

Ally: "I don't know, its just annoying me, thats all."

Stevie looked at Ally suspiciously, she knew she was hiding something because she wasn't keeping eye contact with her. Stevie let it go and started to get ready, when she got back into the bedroom she saw that Ally was still in bed.

Stevie: "Do I need to drag you out of bed and get you ready?"

Ally: "If you want me to go to school then yes."

Stevie: "Ok then."

Stevie walked over to Ally and grabbed hold of her hands and pulled her up out of bed. After a lot of hard work Stevie finally got Ally to get ready herself and made their way to the car. On the way to school Stevie was really concerned about Ally, she tells her everything but not this, 'Is she embarrassed?'

Stevie: "Whats up? You look really upset."

Ally: "Im just really stressed over some work I have to do."

Stevie: "You can talk to me about anything, you know that right?"

Ally: "I know I can, the only stress free part of my day is Math with you."

Stevie looked at Ally, 'What has got her so upset?', Stevie thought to herself. When they arrived at school Danny was waiting for them, Ally's mood seemed to shift a bit, she seemed a little happier, but Danny could tell there was something up.

Danny: "Als, theres something up, I can tell."

Ally just gave him a look, he suddenly realised what she was talking about. He quickly changed the subject. Ally interlocked her fingers with Stevie's and kissed the back of her hand, as they were walking into school a girl walked passed them and gave them a funny look. Ally's demeanour suddenly changed again.

Girl: "Dykes"

Stevie: "What did she just say?"

Ally: "Just ignore her, she's just an idiot."

Girl: "What did you say?"

Ally: "Nothing!"

Girl: "Thats what I thought"

Ally: "We better get to Math."

Stevie and Ally walked to their Math class, after a long explanation of how to do what they needed to the teacher let them get on with their work, of course they finished early, so they were sat talking, Ally kept running her hand up the inside of Stevie's thigh, Stevie was resisting the temptation to kiss Ally, Ally carried on teasing Stevie, the temptation was getting too much for her, Stevie leaned forward and whispered something to Ally ...

Stevie: "Meet me in the bathroom"

Stevie got up and walked to the bathroom, Ally followed 5 minutes later.

Danny: "Use protection"

Ally: "Shut up Danny."

When Ally made her way to the bathroom as she walked in she was met by Stevie, she smiled and walked towards her, Stevie connected their lips and pushed Ally up against the wall. Stevie kissed down Ally's neck, Ally was in her own world, she flipped them and pushed Stevie up against the wall, Ally kissed Stevie and deepened the kiss, Ally pushed them into a stall, Ally shut the door and slammed Stevie against it. She took off her shirt and Stevie's as well, Ally made her way down Stevie's body kissing every inch of it, when she got to her waistline she unbuttoned her jeans ...

Before Ally could do anything, someone walked into the bathroom.

Stevie: "Didn't you lock the door."

Ally: "You didn't give me a chance too."

Stevie: "I guess we better get out of here before people get suspicious."

Ally put her shirt back on and Stevie buttoned up her jeans and put on her shirt, when they walked out of the stall the girl from earlier was standing outside at the sinks.

Girl: "Oh God its you dykes again."

Ally: "Lets go."

Ally grabbed hold of Stevie's hand and dragged her out of the bathroom, when they got out of the door the bell rang for next lesson before Stevie could say anything to Ally. The rest of the day went fine, Stevie was just worried about Ally, her moods were all over, one minute she is happy and then suddenly it changed.

When the bell rang for the end of the day Ally made her way to Stevie's lesson, when she was stood outside the door she saw that her teacher was keeping them back, it was English, she wasn't surprised. Over the course of the day she had gotten more angry, she was sick of being called a dyke, 'If only people knew' she thought to herself. When she turned around she saw the girl stood behind her.

Girl: "Oh if it isn't the schools biggest dyke."

Ally: "Why don't you shut up, your really starting to piss me off."

Girl: "What are you going to do?"

Ally: "I'll tell everyone why you really left school last year."

The girl ran at Ally and flung her to the ground, Ally tried to get back up and fight back but the girl kicked her in the ribs, before she could do anything else to Ally, Stevie ran and dragged the girl off her, Danny turned up shortly after. Stevie and Danny picked Ally up and took her to her car ...

Danny: "I swear to God, I'm going to kill her, nobody knows who she really is ..."

Ally: "Can we just go home?"

Stevie: "Do you want to come with us Danny?"

Ally: "Yeah, he's coming, I need to tell you why she's being like this to us, he knows why."

Sorry you didn't get a new chapter Wednesday, I've had a lot of homework and I'm ill, but I'm feeling slightly better. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

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