Chapter Fourteen

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Stevie and Ally make their way back to Ally's so she can pick up some clean clothes and get ready for the party. On their way over to Stevie's house Ally was acting strange ...

Stevie: "Whats wrong?"

Ally: "Nothing is wrong, you know when Danny said I wanted to take you on a date, do you want to tomorrow, I have a whole day planned."

Stevie: "Yeah,I'm intrigued, I can't wait."

Ally: "Also we have a basketball game on Friday but its away, do you want to come with me, I've already asked coach and he said you can come on the bus with us."

Stevie: "Of course I will, you know I love coming to watch you play."

When they arrived at Stevie's house, Stevie went inside while Ally stayed in the car ...

ALLY: We could be a bit late, we have just got to Stevie's

DANNY: Its fine, have you asked her on the date yet?

ALLY: Yes, she cant wait, I haven't played it up too much have I?

DANNY: No, she will love it honestly. Also what is this about your Mom overhearing you on the phone to Stevie?

ALLY: I'm not going to tell you what I said, unless out of my head drunk and I don't know what I'm saying

DANNY: Oh, ok, it doesn't matter then

ALLY: Oh, here she is, and God does she look good

DANNY: Aw, my best friend is all in love

ALLY: You will see why when we get there

Stevie walked out of her front door and made her way to the car, when she got into the car Ally turned Stevie's head and kissed her ...

Stevie: "What was that for?"

Ally: "I love you and you look really pretty, even though its one of my dresses."

Stevie: "Oh shit it is, I will go change."

Ally: "No, don't change, you look better than me in it."

Ally started to drive to Danny's house, when they made it there he had already set up and people were starting to arrive, when the party got into full swing Danny noticed that there were way more people in his house than he had invited ...

Danny: "Didn't I say I was only inviting like 6 people."

Stevie: "Yeah but there are defiantly more than 6 people here."
Danny: "They can stay for a bit but they are gone at 9, I have an idea."

Stevie: "What are you planning?"

Danny: "You will know, just wait, all I have to say is I am sorry in advance."

Stevie was confused, 'What could Danny be talking about, there are only two things that he could be talking about that could possibly embarrass me, but Ally wouldn't tell him and I defiantly wouldn't, you know unless we were drunk.' The thought slipped Stevie's mind straight away when she saw that a guy was talking to Ally, she looked really uncomfortable, Stevie made her way over to them ...

Nick: "You are so pretty, did you know that?"

Ally: "Thanks."

Nick: "I think we should go out on a date."

Ally: "I have a girlfriend, so no thank you."

Nick: "She cant be as good as me, look at me."

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