Chapter Nine

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Stevie: "Hey Ally, don't you have a game tonight?" she said running up to Ally in the hallway.

Ally: "Oh crap, now we cant go on the date I was planning."

Stevie: "Its fine, tonights a special night for you, thats more important."

Ally leaned in and kissed Stevie, deepening the kiss Stevie pulled away ...

Stevie: "Calm it down, we're in public remember."

Ally: "You mean so much to me."

Stevie: "Really?"

Ally: "More than you know, you have impacted my life so much, more than you know."

Stevie was confused, what had she done?, she didn't really know Ally that well before they started dating. They began to walk towards the gym when they realised the time, the game was about to start and Ally wasn't there, Ally grabbed hold of Stevie's hand and started to run towards the gym.

Stevie: "Quick, go get ready, I will be up in the stands."

Ally: "You know you're the best thing to have ever happened to me and I'm not just saying that, I honestly mean it.

Before Stevie could respond she noticed that the coach was heading Ally's way so she left. When she looked back she had the biggest smile on her face. Ally ran to get changed, when the game started Stevie could tell this news cheered her up because Ally played the best she had ever seen her play, when Ally didn't have the ball in her possession Stevie would notice that Ally would look her way and would just smile, her heart pounded every time it happened.

After a while the game ended and Ally ran over to Stevie and picked her up.

Stevie: "Whats up with you? I have never seen you this happy, other than the other night."

Ally: "Thats true, I got offered the scholarship before the game, turns out they just wanted to come and watch me play."

Stevie: "Are you being serious? Thats great news, I'm so happy for you."

Ally: "I'm so happy, I cant even explain it."

As they made their way out of the gym they noticed that Shannon, Cammie, Ali and Danny were waiting outside for them ...

Stevie: "Oh crap, I just remembered that I told them we would hang out tonight at my place, is that ok with you?"

Ally: "As long as we get to celebrate later" she said raising her eyebrows.

Stevie giggled and raised her eyebrows back. When they arrived at Stevie's apartment they noticed everyone was already there ...

Danny: "Finally, did you take a trip to Narnia or something?"

Ally: "You're so funny."

They made their way into Stevie's apartment, they sat and talked for hours, until it got to the part that Ally really didn't want to talk about, her embarrassing stories, one of them being the bathroom incident.

Shannon: "So, today I was minding my own business in History and the class got boring, so I asked to go to the bathroom ..." Shannon looked at Stevie and Ally.

Ally: "Oh God."

Danny: "Whats wrong with you?"

Ally: "You will see."

Shannon: "As I was saying, I was walking to the bathroom and I opened the door to see something I didn't want to see. Stevie and Ally making out."

Danny: "Its not that bad"

Shannon: "It was when there was clothes being removed."

Stevie: "Technically there were no clothes removed."

Shannon: "Well lets just say Ally's jeans would have been off if I had come in 10 seconds later."

Ally started to blush and get uncomfortable.

Danny: "Well if we are talking about embarrassing or secretive things about Ally, do you want to know why her jersey has number 13 on the back?"

Ally: "Don't, seriously its really embarrassing."

Danny: "Stevie, remind me what date your birthday is on please?"

Stevie: "The 13th of July."

Ally got up and left and sat on the stairs with her head in her hands, Stevie followed her. Everyone left, due to them knowing it was a sensitive subject for Ally

Ally: "I bet you think I'm some weird loser."

Stevie: "No, I don't I think its sweet, but why? I thought you would have chosen something more meaningful to you"

Ally: "Whenever you come to games I play better, even if you weren't there I wanted to have something that reminded me of you and I thought I would do that. I'm sorry if its weird."

Stevie: "I think its amazing, I feel so lucky to have you."

Ally: "I love you Stevie Boebi."

Stevie: "I love you too Ally Hills."

Stevie leaned in and kissed Ally, Ally deepened the kiss, Stevie cupped Ally's cheek and pulled back.

Stevie: "Do you want to go and celebrate?"

Ally laughed and picked Stevie up carrying her to the bedroom.

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