Chapter Twenty

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Ally woke up to the sound of her alarm going off, she opened her eyes to see Stevie was already up, Ally sat up and turned off her alarm, when she looked up she saw Stevie coming from the kitchen.

Stevie: "Good morning penguin." she said as she leaned in and kissed Ally.

Ally: "Good morning to you, what has gotten you in such a good mood."

Stevie: "I don't know, my life just seems so good right now, I have a perfect girlfriend, I have a good group of friends, did I mention I have the perfect girlfriend."

Ally laughed and kissed Stevie, she deepened the kiss while placing her hands on Stevie's waist and pulling her closer, Stevie put her arms around Ally's neck, Ally started to kiss Stevie's neck and started to lift the bottom of Stevie's shirt ...

Stevie: "As much as I would love to do this we have to go to school ..."

Ally: "What a way to kill the mood."

Ally kissed Stevie on the cheek and went to get ready, she heard the door open, she turned around to see Stevie stood in the doorway admiring her ...

Ally: "Yes?"

Stevie: "I'm just appreciating the great view."

Ally: "Oh ok."

They both laughed and finished getting ready, when they were finally ready they made their way down to the car. As they pulled up to school they saw Danny running towards them ...

Danny: "We have a free lesson first period."

Ally: "I thought we had Math?"

Danny: "We do but our teacher called in sick and they can't get a replacement."

Stevie: "So what are we going to do?"

Ally: "I guess I can edit our video for tonight."

Danny: "Ooh can I see it?"

Ally: "You will have to wait for tonight like everyone else."

Danny: "Fine, but I'm not happy about it."

Ally: "You will get over it."

The three of them made their way into school and found a seat in the cafeteria and sat down, Stevie sat next to Ally, while Ally was editing the video Stevie rested her head on Ally's shoulder and watched her edit. After a while Stevie got bored, she turned Ally's head towards her and kissed her passionately, Ally pulled her closer, Stevie broke the kiss ...

Stevie: "Are you nearly finished editing?"

Ally: "Yes, why?"

Stevie: "Because I want you all to myself tonight, no distractions."

Ally: "What are you thinking?"

Stevie: "Well you know how we made it official when we went to the beach, well I think that we should go there tonight after we post it."

Ally: "I think we should have our friends there too, so we can celebrate."

Stevie: "Its a date."

The rest of the day went slowly, Stevie just wanted to be with Ally, tonight was a big deal for her, both of their channels have grown significantly in the couple of months they have been posting videos, although they had done videos together before they had to be careful of what they done, now after this video was posted they didn't. Stevie was in her own world when she realised that the bell had went, she ran out of her classroom to the parking lot to meet Ally, when she saw her she ran too her and jumped into her arms ...

Ally: "Whats gotten into you?"

Stevie: "I'm just really happy we don't have to hide being a couple on YouTube anymore, I don't know why but I am."

Ally: "So am I."

When they got back to Ally's they were about to upload the video when her Mom walked in ...

Mom: "Oh hi I didn't expect you home."

Ally: "We're uploading our video."

Mom: "I cant wait to see it, I will watch it when I get back, I'll be a couple of hours."

When Ally's Mom left Ally looked at Stevie, took a deep breath and pressed upload. Ally looked at Stevie again with the biggest smile on her face, the amount of weight that had been lifted off her shoulders felt amazing to her.

They sat for a while reading all the comments that were being left on the video ...

Stevie: "It turned out perfect, I love you."

Ally: "I love you too."

Stevie grabbed hold of Ally's hand and guided her to her room, when Ally closed the door she turned to Stevie and kissed her, not breaking the kiss they made their way to the bed, Ally pushed Stevie onto it, not breaking eye contact Ally took off her shirt and smirked at Stevie. She made her way up the bed to Stevie and re-connected their lips, Ally reached under Stevie's shirt and lifted it off her. Ally kissed down Stevie's neck and body, intertwining their fingers in the process, Ally took of Stevie's jeans and kissed her inner thighs tormenting Stevie, she made her way back up to Stevie's lips and kissed her passionately as her hand slipped into her underwear Ally continued kissing Stevie's neck ... then her phone started ringing

Stevie: "Don't answer it."

Ally: "I'm not going to."

Ally ignored the phone and carried on kissing Stevie's neck, she made her way back down Stevie's body and removed her underwear, Ally kissed the inside of her thighs ... and her phone started ringing again, Ally reached for her phone and Stevie started to kiss her sweet spot to distract her ...

Ally: "Hello?"

Danny: "Hi Ally."

Ally: "Danny is this important ... I'm kind ... of in the middle ... of something." Ally said as Stevie was still kissing her neck.

Danny: "You're having sex aren't you?"

Ally: "Yes, now bye."

Ally slammed the phone down on the table, Stevie flipped her over so she was on top and got to work ... A while later they laid in bed with their bodies tangled in each others, Ally looked down at Stevie and smiled, Stevie looked up at her and kissed her forehead.

Ally: "I've never been happier than I am right now, with you my life seems right."

Stevie: "I feel the same way, can we just stay here forever?"

Ally: "I would love too."

Stevie: "Can we go to the beach tomorrow instead?"

Ally: "Yes, I don't want to leave bed now."

Stevie: "Do you want to Netflix and chill?"

Ally: "Yes!"

Stevie laughed and turned on the TV, Ally cuddled up to Stevie, they watched TV until they both fell asleep in each others arms.

I start college on Monday so I will be stuck with college work so these could become less frequent, I will update it as often as I can. Thanks for continuing to read this, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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