Chapter Twenty Four

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The next morning Ally felt like she didn't have to hide anything, she felt a huge weight off her shoulder, she looked over at Stevie who was asleep next to her, Stevie was mumbling in her sleep, 'She's so cute when she sleeps', Ally thought to herself. When Stevie finally woke up she leaned in and kissed Ally, when she broke the kiss ...

Stevie: "Lets not go to school today, lets just stay home and have some us time."

Ally: "You don't have to ask me, I will gladly have the day off to spend time with you."

Stevie got up and started to make them some breakfast, while she was doing it she felt two hands on her waist and Ally's head resting in her shoulder. Stevie smiled and turned around ...

Stevie: "I wonder who that is?."

Ally: "Its me." Ally said in a baby voice

Stevie: "You're so cute."

Stevie leaned in and kissed Ally, she deepened the kiss and pushed Ally up against the wall. Stevie started to kiss down Ally's neck, while she was doing it she slipped her hand into Ally's underwear, after a while Stevie removed her hand and turned around and got back to cooking. Ally was in shock ...

Ally: "Oh we're playing that game are we?"

Stevie: "Yeah."

Ally: "You are going to cave first, I will make sure of it."

Stevie: "I don't think so."

Ally: "Its on, today just got more interesting."

Over the course of the day Stevie and Ally were teasing each other, Ally made her way to the bedroom, 'I'm going to have to make her give in first, if not I'm about to cave' Ally thought to herself ...

Ally: "Hey Stevie can you come here a second?"

When Stevie walked into the room Ally was in her bra and underwear, Stevie's jaw dropped ...

Ally: "Like what you see?"

Stevie: "So much ... I mean I guess you look ok?"

Ally: "I'm offended, I look hot, if I may say so myself."

'You are right there' Stevie thought to herself, she turned around and walked out of the room and Ally followed her.

Stevie: "Are you not going to put any clothes on?"

Ally: "I like this look, plus its not as if I'm in public."

Stevie: "I love that look too."

Ally: "I knew you would."

Ally sat down on the couch next to Stevie and turned on Netflix, they continued watching Dexter, after a while Stevie could see that Ally was looking at her from the corner of her eye, Stevie started to take her clothes off, she looked at Ally and bit her lip, both of them were sat in their underwear.

Ally: "Are you hot or something?"

Stevie: "Yeah, I mean its also hot in here so ..."

Ally: "I don't know how much longer I can take not giving in."

Stevie: "I'm not even close."

As Stevie said that Ally got up and went to the fridge and bent down to get some drinks for them, 'You're driving me crazy Hills' Stevie thought to herself.

Stevie: "Oh fuck it."

Stevie walked over to Ally, took the drinks off her and leaned in and kissed her passionately.

Ally: "You do realise if you continue it means that you lose."

Stevie: "I don't care, just kiss me."

Stevie grabbed Ally's face and pulled her into a passionate kiss, Ally deepened it. Stevie took Ally's hand and led her to the bedroom, Stevie shut the door and slammed Ally against it, Stevie started to kiss down Ally's neck leaving love bites behind, Stevie made her way down Ally's body, Ally pulled Stevie back up towards her lips and kissed her, Ally flipped Stevie over so she was on top, Ally made her way down to Stevie's underwear, Ally pulled of Stevie's underwear and got to work.

After a while Ally laid next to Stevie and kissed her forehead.

Ally: "You do realise we missed our last day of school for this."

Stevie: "I don't care if it means I get to spend time with you I don't mind."

Ally: "I love you so much, I don't think you realise how much."

Stevie: "I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you, if thats ok with you."

Ally: "I would be honoured to."

I think this is going to be the last chapter of this story. I might be writing a new story but I'm not to sure because I'm busy with college work, but keep an eye out for it. I hope you enjoyed this story, it was initially just to pass time but I really enjoyed doing it, so thank you for reading it and look out for a new story in the next week hopefully. 

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